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[font "Garamond"][#005050][size 4]In Utah….What is the best place to catch Walleye, and how to catch Walleye and what time of year is best. [/size][/#005050][/font]
[font "Garamond"][#005050][size 4]Has any one fished Willard yet? THANKS [Wink][/size][/#005050][/font]
Fished Willard last weekend and left empty handed. Several other people were out trying for whatever would bite but no success. Later in the year I catch walleye at Willard trolling Wally divers real slow. Bright red is my go to color with the occasional Shad pattern. Ut lake can be more productive, especially this time of year. I see most guys tossin tandem jigs of various colors. Tube dude has an entire library on the topic. You should get a card and check out some of his literature.
[cool][#0000ff]The walleye are slow to get started on Willard this year. Late ice off and a series of fronts has kept them from a pre-spawn bite. But, ANY DAY NOW. Within a week or so they should start hitting the rocks at night for the spawn. You can start picking them up just off the rocks by tossing white plastics with heads just heavy enough for a slow retrieve without snagging. They also hit slow wiggling chrome or chrome/blue cranks, spinners and spoons.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The REAL walleye bite starts when the spawn is over. That will be sometime in May and goes through June. That is when all of the wiper trollers start picking up lots of walleyes on the standard wiper lures. Walleye specialists fish slower, near the bottom, with plastics or crawler harness rigs.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You can also do well right off the rocks from just before dark until they have finished feeding...and again at daybreak. Shallow diving cranks right next to the rocks will catch both walleyes and catfish. 3" plastics will also get them.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Once summer water temps and the power squadron kick in the walleyes stay deeper during the day and night fishing or SSSSSSLLLLLOOOOWWWW dragging the bottom in the deepest holes is best.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Of course all of that is generalities. There are lots of walleyes taken all year...but most of them are caught by people fishing for wipers, cats or crappies. However, there are a few dedicated walleye fans that can usually count on scoring a few in a hard day of fishing for them specifically...if they can keep away from the cats and wipers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The big kicker in the whole deal is that the walleyes are fat and healthy...because they have plenty of easily available forage right now. Still tons of nice tasty shad in the right sizes from last year. The walleyes might glut for an hour in the middle of the night and then not feed again for many hours. Unless you present something their the right place and the right are just washing lures and wasting time.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to address the question of where is the best spot to catch walleyes. Argueably that would be Starvation. Huge walleye population that feeds actively all day and the fish are very responsive to a wide variety of lures and baits. Watch the board for early reports. They should start soon.[/#0000ff]
Best day I had on Willard for walleye last year was on the 19th of April when a buddy and I fished for 4 hrs. and boated 8 eyes with the smallest going 19 1/2 in. up to 22 1/2. we missed a few and lost several as well, they were still biting when we quit about 4:30 or so but we had to leave. We bottom bounced for them and picked them all up in one area, I had two friends in another boat and I think they picked up 9 in the same area. After that it was sporadic for me all summer with usually 2 to 3 per trip as well as a few wipers. Hopefully it will be good this summer as with the price of gas starting to go nuts again I probably won't make too many long trips. Got to love the OBAMANATION.[mad]
[font "Calibri"][font "Garamond"][#385000][size 4]Thanks guys for the info, I do quite well with Wiper but want to start learning the walleye thing, and with the new boat out fitted , I want to try different location also, Thanks TD for all the info your great as well as the rest of you that responded.[/size][/#385000][/font] [fishin] [font "Comic Sans MS"][#385000][size 4]Can't wait for alot of soft water..[/size][/#385000][/font][Smile][/font]