03-28-2010, 09:00 AM
<br /> Hit the Riverpark today for a few hours. Slow, slow day. Started a 9 and stopped at 12. Managed 6 spots, 2 LM, 1 10-12 lb drum (1st of the year for me) and a crappie. Very slow day. Good current, wind, etc should have made a good spinnerbait day but only managed one fish on the blade. Caught fish on tubes, cranks and 1 on a spinnerbait. The crappie hit a tube and had a 6-7&amp;quot; lampray on him. I took care of the lampray so the crappie had a good morning. Fish were within 15 ft of the bank.<br /> Water temp was 52 which is 3 degrees warmer than last weekend. Still got a long way to go before the bite gets good. All spots today were males, the big girls are still out in the middle of the river.