Fishing Forum

Full Version: craazyboutbass, Parksville, Spotted bass with HUGE HOF Kicker, 3/23/10, Colby (revopro)
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<br /> Well I got my boat back and it was time to take er out. <br /> Mainly went today just to start breaking in the new piston. But of course we were going to wet a line after a while. <br /> It was close to 5 when we started fishing and the wind was howlin pretty hard. Couldnt really fish for the first half hour but the wind finally let up. <br /> We started fishing in Indian creek once the wind calmed down and boated our first 2 there. 1 was a keeper going about 2lbs and the other was just a dink.<br /> Headed out to fish the main lake after a while. First fish was a solid 3.5lb spot that measured 18". Then we just got into a huge mess of fish. Boated only 2 but kept on getting bites. Most fish today would take your bait and spit it right back out really quick...<br /> After getting no more bites from the school of fish we trolled down the bank a little. Colby hooks a fish not to much later... it started pulling drag out pretty fast. Then we saw it and I grabbed the net. The fish fought over his 8lb flouro line for a good 5 minutes until we finally got it into the net and into the boat. It was a huge spotted bass that measured just a hair over 22 inches and my old digital scale weighed it in at 5lb 9oz. Just 5 oz away from the existing state record! We were shaking and screaming with excitment. That is the biggest spot I think ive ever seen in person. Congrats to Colby on the great catch.<br /> Fished a little while longer down the stretch landing only 1 more spot going close to 3lbs. <br /> Kept on fishing till it was close to dark without anymore luck, but we were satisfied for sure. Our best 5 was about 15-16lbs. Thats a 5 1/2lb spot 3 1/2lb spot 3 lb spot and a couple solid 2lb spots. Definatly our best bag of the year. I believe my boat had a great start for the year LOL<br /> Enjoy the pics