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Full Version: New flies coming
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I've been messing around with woven flies and wiggle nymphs. I am tying up a woven mayfly, wiggle nymph that I hope to try out very soon. It will have a woven abdoment, and a pheasant tail thorax. I am shooting for a size 16. If they work, I am going to try and tie some woven hare's ears as well. I am hoping to get out soon, I'll give you a report.

If you could post a pic I'm interested to see what these flies look like.
I want to see as well....I have done the woven thing, but a bit time consuming so more for show...but they do KILL!
You're ambitious, I think I'm too lazy to try it, but definitely post some pics and reports, maybe I'll change my mind.
I always thought weaving was hard as well, however, there are some easy weaves without using a crochet hook or even switching hands. The top bottom color is cool as well as the segmented look. I have two different types of weave down now, so I am hoping to get a fly done using either larva lace or using 6/0 silk. As I said, I'll keep everyone posted on the success/failure.

I'll try to get some pictures if I can as I experiement more. Maybe if people are nice, I'll pass some out to share as long as you promise to report back any success you have.

Your post got me thinking about trying to tie some wiggle nymphs. I'd bet some wiggle damsel nymphs would be killer up on the Idaho reservoirs this summer. I think I'm still a bit intimidated by the woven flies though.