Hit the weber on saturday and had a pretty nice day didnt get pics of all the fish cause the camera man was on the shore but he managed to catch the two biggest browns im holding one of them but tore up whities and browns hers some pics caught some on the fly and some regular didnt get pics from the fly sure wish we did but it was so fast fishing and didnt know when they were going to stop surfacing sorry maybe next time will make the camera man get in the water with us... Ill post more pics when i get them emailed to me.
Heres the pic of the camera mans brown and the bigger of the two that im holding as hes also
Sweet fish, I was up there Saturday also, looks like we fished allot lower than you did.we saw many hog browns but couldn't get them to eat.
maybe this fall they will want to play, time to get the boat out.
Really nice browns, I was up there sunday and caught a couple decent browns, what part of the weber were you fishing?
Congrats man, those are some nice fish. What flies were they hitting?
We were fishing right before devils slide the flys we were catching them on were blue winged olive and copper johns red and copper we also caught the white fish on prince hymphs but you had to get down to them we also used plastic minnows to catch the browns although i did catch two browns on the blue winged ill have to say the to taggert area is a good place to go if you can beat the crowd.