just kiddin. went to Powell with a great group of guys this past weekend. some great crappie, a few eye's and great trip with good people. thanks wetone, pikeman. I owe you both a cat fishin trip.
Now those are some nice crappie.
Had a great trip with you guys as well... Really enjoyed the fishing and comraderie with Glenn, Walt, and Jay even if the weather kind of sucked!!!
Walt, you're a great guy to have in the boat. You've got a spot in my boat anytime. One word of advice though, it's politically corrrect not to kick the host's ass on the first day.[pirate] Hahahaha[fishin]
Nice fish I bet that trip was blast!!
I'm heading down to Powell in May, I hope the fishing is good then. I have never been to Powell this early in the season, I think we are going to be really close to the spawn.
Looks like you guys had a great trip! Heck of a crappie in that first pic.
I heard from a lot of people that powell is gonna get hot this year, haven't been there since the lake went up. But nice crappies. did you get into any stripers
[quote hppyfshrmn]I heard from a lot of people that powell is gonna get hot this year[/quote]
thats a HUGE underststment
How many eyes did you guys boat? I may be going down there soon. I would love to get into some of those if at all possible.
We caught 5 walleyes. Only really fished for them a couple times though. Spent more time hunting giant crappies.