since it was mentioned, here you go!
yes for me, i can no longer legally access the upper provo river where it took a few mile, boots wet, hike to get in.
i really dont know how to do polls here on BFT, so i rekon check a box and explain.
if anyone checks the last box you might want to seek help LOL
Yep, a section of the Strawberry River I fish will no longer be accessible. [pirate]
In all honesty, I enjoyed it and took in as much as I could because I knew we were not going to beat this. We just don't have the money.
There could have been a 1,000 (which there probably was) FF there to fight and even more calls, but 10 of these rich moe foes and guess which way.....
Scary stuff. What do they want from us next? The Constitution isn't going to save us apparently..we are just the little people.
Sorry, I am steamin'!!!!!!!!!!!!
im pretty pissed myself, im hoping this doesent happen, but.... i forsee shots being fired over this. down with the man!! im going to file for resideancy (sp) for UT sio i can vote =-\ good by no state income taxes =-(
When I go up to wyoming to go fish I will buy my supply chewing Tabacco too. Man, Utah government Hammered me this year.
I haven't Been very political in the past,but I have already started to campaign against incumbents.
Utah government needs a change!!!!
There is a lot of land I cant access now. I was always respectful. Now how do I vote??
I think I'll be taking even more trips to Wyoming ( sorry Braz) and Idaho this year and spending my recreational dollars there plus annual licences fees for those states. My Utah license just expired and right now I'm not going to renew. If anyone wants to start a boycott I'd join in for a year. Soon as it warms a bit next week or so I'll be up on Seedskadee NWR
ok. some one picked the last one. he is alot smarter than he looks though.
I really have mixed feelings on this matter, so I'll just keep my thoughts to myself. However, I just couldn't resist, I voted for the last question....what a hunk !!![
a hunk of what? lol.
OkAY, I gotta say it also.....
FOR SALE...slightly used Utah fishing license.
Thank Gawd for Stillwater, or does someone own that?
first.... what the hell!!! someone picked the last button, LOL!
second... FG i would think that not buying a fishing liscense is going to hurt fish and game. i would take a stab at it and say not spending your money in UT to eat, sleep, buy fishing related things, etc would do more good/bad wouldent it?
No, I got the license, even bought a second's not being allowed to fish the honey holes....
Heay you are sexy, too sexy for these waders, too sexy for these wading boots...........
I think the thing that frustrates me is that there are so many sections of rivers that are surrounded by land that landowners very rarely step foot on, not a building for several hundred yards, and they will be shut off and not used at all. I am also frustrated there wasn't time to debate and have some compromises. Now it doesn't seem like there are any good candidates for governor. Guess I am just going to have to do a few more trips to the Green this year.
I guess that I am the eternal optimist, but i was in Fish Tech today ( These Guys Are Great) talking with Micky and there is already a law firm that is ready to take this bill on. They are looking for the exact right case to fight this monster. Once it is found it will take some time to get to the Supreme Court, but it should be heard. I still have some faith in the system, but if the courts fail I might be moving north. Be patient and remember the glass can be half full.
Tight lines,
[font "Courier New"][#000080][size 3]The way I understood this whole deal, is that land owners can grant access if they want. So it may not be that everything is closed off... it might just seem like it, though.
Maybe this will teach people not to trash the area they fish in...I'll bet that's what made land owners want this in the first place. I know when I go to lakes and reservoirs, there's garbage all over the place. If I owned land, I wouldn't want people treating it as their own personal dump, so I can kind'a sympathize in that aspect.
[quote fish2xtc]I think the thing that frustrates me is that there are so many sections of rivers that are surrounded by land that landowners very rarely step foot on, not a building for several hundred yards, and they will be shut off and not used at all. I am also frustrated there wasn't time to debate and have some compromises. Now it doesn't seem like there are any good candidates for governor. Guess I am just going to have to do a few more trips to the Green this year.[/quote]
best two responses i have heard so far came from my brother this morning:
"I oughtta buy one of the rocketer jet packs and hover over the water, next thing you know they will say they own the air space above the river!"
"just buy a hot air baloon and hover over that mo(&*^ (&&*^%!"
Anyone own a helicopter?
Not too out of reach. It hasn't been long at all, but it use to be that if you put a barrel in your yard to collect water...the state owned that water! Seriously! and we are talking real recent for this one.
What ever happened to a government for the people, by the people? Seems more like a government for the lobbyists, by the lobbyists. I am so sick and tired of people who want to pull everything they can from public goods and find ways to prohibit others who also pay taxes from accessing the same goods. I mean, how many farm owners are getting subsidies from the government, drawing upon public water, and then turning around and getting pissed that a few fly fisherman want to use the same resources?
It makes me think of Thomas Paine's "Agrarian Justice", in which he makes a pretty valid point that though civilization is certainly a good thing, we should recognize that everyone should have the natural right to do what they would be able to in the absence of government concerning land rights. If private ownership of land wasn't recognized by Government, everyone would have the opportunity to draw upon its resources and to maintain survival by doing things like hunting and fishing. So while I understand the need to recognize property rights, anything that private landowners are benefitting from on a public level should be accessible to us as well because we are part of the public, and we posess those rights naturally.