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Me and a couple a buddies went out today and soon found we knew NOTHING about fishing utah lake! we caught one fish (woohoo...) however i would like to learn how to fish it seeing how it is way close to home. im just asking for some general tips that will produce some fish but if anyone wants to share some top secret techniques feel free to share ![Wink]
I fish UL pretty simply and with the method I have always caught fish with. The simple worm sitting on the bottom. Always seemsto work for me. Im usually on the shore as well.
+1 on worms.....everything in that lake likes worms. If you want to target the "active" fishies, they all like a simple 2-3" curlie tail grub in either pink or chart. Sparkel. Cats liek the shrimp or chubs, but will go for worm as well. Its that could make it more why. Right place and time

ya the location thing is whats killing me i have absolutely no idea where to go or how to locate the fish. Any tips on how to locate em or maybe a general location?
Most would be greatful for "A" fish out of UL. Ya there can be weeks of buckets of bass cats eyes ect. but be thankful!!1[Wink]
any inlet any harbor will hold and atract fish. cats hold shallow by reeds or along the dykes. walleye look for rocks. look threw the utlake archives for moore info than you would care to read on ut lake.[Wink]
[quote slayed_em18]ya the location thing is whats killing me i have absolutely no idea where to go or how to locate the fish. Any tips on how to locate em or maybe a general location?[/quote]
I have done well at Lindon and American Fork marinas. Not too well at the state park. I need to get out andtry some different areas but I keep going where fish are caught. There are a lot of great guys and gals on here with a wealth of knowledge and will give you good tips where to go.
If you just want to catch fish, try the state park at the end of April through may. Try using a silver or gold jakes or super duper magnum. From about 7 to dark you can catch about as many white bass as you can handle.
EVERY shore line in UL has fish of some kind on it at some point during the year. They move, and most like structure....very little on ul, so when you find reeds and stuff most fish are near them. Harbors are good for panfish, and cats. TubeDude has a PDF on utah lake that has great info on fishes in UL and he is usually happy to share to those who want to learn. I'd start there. It can be a hard lake, but once you figure out some parts of it, you will be doing all right for at least a few fish each trip out.
I've had pretty good success for LMB and panfish with these tiny jigs just fishing in harbors. I remember one day~ a warm Saturday, lots of boats, the kids and dogs are splashing in the water, and I still pulled out a nice bass with one of these. Like others have said, fish them slow beneath a bobber, tipped with a little something (very little something). Anyways, definitely a hard lake. Good luck!

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Fish when the weather is more stable. Three days of warm, three days of rain, anything that isnt making the barometer go up and down. Changes in pressure seem to affect Utah Lake more than deeper lakes.I doubt anyone caught a lot of fish since this storm moved in.