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Full Version: Everyone enjoying the weekend?
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Don't ya just love the weekends. We were all set to go fishing this morning, but other more important things intervened.
I think someone has been praying for moisture again! Unfortunately it didn't decide to come as rain, and who ever it was must be east of us because all of it, including what is on the ground, is headed east of us!

I think I will just stay home and think about the spring that never comes.[crazy]

The pictures do not begin to convey what the wind is doing today!
[mad] It's just not fair! Last weekend when I was on call and couldn't go fishing it was great weather, this weekend I can fish and have been planning on hitting CJ all week and we have 30mph winds and cold. It SUCKS
I work weeknights, so I have the chance to fish during the week, but this weather has ruined that too. It looks like a good 10 days straight of crap weather. I'm pretty sick of it [mad] The bass aren't going to be active until June at this rate.
They say the fish don't know it's raining. [Image: bobwink.gif]
I know you have heard this before, but you Idahoans need this MAJOR bad.
In fact, as sucky as it is, you need allot more. I just always wonder why it only happens on weekends?![crazy] Or days off[laugh]
[quote flygoddess]I know you have heard this before, but you Idahoans need this MAJOR bad.
In fact, as sucky as it is, you need allot more. I just always wonder why it only happens on weekends?![crazy] Or days off[laugh][/quote]

It does happen a lot on the weekends doesn't it?[Image: dumb.gif] I wanted to go haunt some of the Spring Creeks today but you can't toss in the wind. [Image: confused.gif]
They may not know when it's raining, but they sure do know when it's cold. I saw some snowflakes today. [:/]
Finally got my boat back this week, after having some work done on my trailer, and it has snowed, sleet, hailed, rained and blowed all week. Just figures.[crazy][mad]