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Full Version: FISHING 101...2010
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[cool][#0000ff]Good fishing should be just around the corner, unless Mama Nature blocks it with snowdrifts.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have been getting some PMs wondering if we were going to be doing the Fishing 101 thing this year. Seems to be a lot of interest so YEAH...let's do it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]For those who have not been around for the sessions in the past, we usually have a group meeting somewhere like Willow Park Pond. We talk about basic tackle and techniques and then get in some casting/fishing practice. We also try to spend some time with anybody who shows up, to learn more about their situations and what they are hoping to learn. After that we do mostly one on one or small groups, to give folks more personal attention where they need it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I am thinking that somewhere toward the end of April or first of May should see a warm afternoon or evening we can get together for the kickoff. We will have to watch the forecasts before making a final choice of dates and times.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We will also need a few experienced "tanglers" to show up to not only participate in the "show and tell" but to work with one or two "students" on an individual basis after the classroom...for casting, knot tieing, etc.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Also, I am just about out of the extra tackle that has been so generously donated over the past year or so. I build and repair rods and tune up reels, so if you have some stuff that needs some work, that is okay. I parcel it out to young anglers or older ones that are in a budget crunch (who isn't these days?)[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The DWR Youth Angling Program is also getting underway soon and I know that several BFTers participate on different waters. I also know that there will be kids that do not have their own tackle and can't afford it. Some of the rods and reels can be made available to "graduates" who have caught the fishing bug and want to keep at it...but who need their own gear.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]So, rather than dumping your unneeded gear at a cheesy yard sale, how about "recycling" it among folks who are BFT friendly and who will really appreciate it and put it to good use.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Also, have had requests for mini seminars on different waters and different species. That is something we can do over the summer...mostly on the water and fishing for the target species. So make your suggestions and we can start putting together our "panel of experts" and scheduling some specific trips.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let me know if you wanna be a part of the an instructor/mentor. Also be thinking about anyone you know that might like to get some good basic intel on fishing. I know from working the Youth Angling Program myself that there are a lot of the parents who would like to have a similar program available to them.[/#0000ff]
[font "Courier New"][#000080][size 3]YAY!
I loved it last time.
This time I'm going to take notes, though... I know that somebody talked about drag on the reel... but now I can't remember what the heck it's for or how to use it! Hopefully I can get a review, and keep the info this time.

Saturdays are not really good for me, though. I figure that's when everybody else can make it. I think we did Wednesday evening last time, but not many people were there.
I could make it at a location within 50 miles of Layton (closer is better, of course).

There's MY input! [cool]
I have helped out in the past. You can count me in to help out again! Just let me know when and where!
Ivan and I would also like to help. We are doing the DWR youth thing and this would get us out a little before. Just tell me when and where and we'll be there.

Shawn M
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks guys. Looking at May 4th...first Tuesday in May. Maybe 6 - 8 in the evening. Will see how the input and weather forecast goes.[/#0000ff]
I volunteer for the youth fishing program in Roy and if you end up with a bunch of donated "stuff" I would be glad to hand it out to the kids.

I do better teaching kids (mentally the same) so I can't help much for your 101 stuff. [:p]

I hope to teach the basic Knot tying skills again this year (improved clinch) and need some supplies to pull off a fun discussion this year. I want to make it fun visually and have some ideas but need help making it a reality.
Try using short pieces of rope and eye screws. Works out great at simulating fishing line and hooks and is very visible. I use this technique when teaching scouts. Very effective.
Did something similiar last year. I also had laminated guide sheets for them. My plan is a little more large if you will. Something VERY visible. PM me if you want details on my plan, don't want to share it online where some can see the surprize.
I would love to help out. I will circle the date and look for more info as we get closer. I will also look through some of my old fishing rods and see what I may have that is servicible. I will give you a heads up on the equipment Keep me posted.
Im in !!!!! sounds fun..
I also would like to help and have a rod laying around. Shawn get ahold of me.. Awesome what this site does for the community.[fishin]
I will be there fishing, so just LEAVE ME ALONE....LOL just kidding, but sounds like fun and TD does put a good shindig together.
I can help if you need me...
[quote bassrods]I can help if you need me...[/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]Thanks. Not going to go too much into advanced techniques (dropshotting). But would like to have you bring a couple of rigged baitcasters and be ready to demo casting and allow newbies to make a few casts.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Will contact you as the time gets closer with a format.[/#0000ff]
Yes! I would be very interested in a Fly Fishing 101 class. I just got some gear and gonna give it a shot on my own, but some pointers would be great.
I would love to fish with either one and show some things you might not know...but we can do that anytime.

If I am in town that night, it would be fun to be there and put some faces to some names.
I am dying to see this Tube Dude character.[laugh]
I am dying to see this Tube Dude character

[cool][#0000ff]CHARACTER? Okay, no more smokie fishie for you.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Say hi to Baxter. [/#0000ff]
Oh Man!!! And as for FANG, I mean Baxter, Why don't you come over and see for yourself...LOL
Will do remind me as it gets closer...
[quote flygoddess]Oh Man!!! And as for FANG, I mean Baxter, Why don't you come over and see for yourself...LOL[/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]This is the onliest way I'm agonna come near that vicious beast.[/#0000ff]
[Image: italian_knight_armor.JPG]