04-07-2010, 11:10 AM
(Juneau) - The Alaska Board of Game will meet February 29- March 10, 2008, in Fairbanks at Pike's Waterfront Lodge to consider over 100 proposals concerning changes to hunting and trapping regulations in the Interior Region.
Proposals have been submitted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, state advisory committees, and the general public seeking adjustments to hunting and trapping regulations in the Interior region, including subsistence hunting, methods and means for hunting and trapping, intensive management programs, restricted areas, and miscellaneous statewide regulations. The board will also address a number of deferred proposals from previous board meetings that are from other regions of the state. For more detailed information on the subject matter, members of the public are encouraged to read the meeting notice that can be viewed on-line at: http://www.boards.adfg.state.ak.us/gamei.../gnote.php.
The board will take oral public testimony beginning Friday, February 29. Anyone wishing to testify before the board must sign up at the meeting site before 1:30 pm on Saturday, March 1st. Public testimony will continue until everyone who has signed up has been given the opportunity to be heard.
The deadline to ensure written comments on proposals are included in the Board of Game members' meeting binders is 5:00 pm this Friday, February 15. Written comments on specific proposals that are received after 5:00 pm this Friday will be accepted and distributed to members during the meeting up until they begin deliberation on the proposal. Written comments can be mailed to: Alaska Board of Game, Boards Support Section, P.O. Box 115526, Juneau, AK 99811-5526, or faxed to (907) 465-6094.
Deliberations on the proposals will begin following public testimony and continue through the remainder of the meeting. Copies of the proposals and the agenda can be viewed online at: http://www.boards.adfg.state.ak.us/gamei...o/gcal.php.
Proposals have been submitted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, state advisory committees, and the general public seeking adjustments to hunting and trapping regulations in the Interior region, including subsistence hunting, methods and means for hunting and trapping, intensive management programs, restricted areas, and miscellaneous statewide regulations. The board will also address a number of deferred proposals from previous board meetings that are from other regions of the state. For more detailed information on the subject matter, members of the public are encouraged to read the meeting notice that can be viewed on-line at: http://www.boards.adfg.state.ak.us/gamei.../gnote.php.
The board will take oral public testimony beginning Friday, February 29. Anyone wishing to testify before the board must sign up at the meeting site before 1:30 pm on Saturday, March 1st. Public testimony will continue until everyone who has signed up has been given the opportunity to be heard.
The deadline to ensure written comments on proposals are included in the Board of Game members' meeting binders is 5:00 pm this Friday, February 15. Written comments on specific proposals that are received after 5:00 pm this Friday will be accepted and distributed to members during the meeting up until they begin deliberation on the proposal. Written comments can be mailed to: Alaska Board of Game, Boards Support Section, P.O. Box 115526, Juneau, AK 99811-5526, or faxed to (907) 465-6094.
Deliberations on the proposals will begin following public testimony and continue through the remainder of the meeting. Copies of the proposals and the agenda can be viewed online at: http://www.boards.adfg.state.ak.us/gamei...o/gcal.php.