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Full Version: Home made worm bin ??
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I have an old metal milk box that was used back in the day for home delivery of milk etc... I was thinking about using it to make a worm box. I would like to bury it in the ground to keep my worms in.
Couple questions.
Is a metal box ok to use? Everything I've found says use plastic.
Do I need to cut out the entire bottom and cover with a window screen, just drill lots of small holes in the bottom or something else entirely?
Does the lid need to have holes it it as well?
Any advice from some of you cagey old veterans would be just great.
1. If the old milk box is in still decent condition it's worth a lot more than a worm box.
2. I've always used a wooden box or an old bath tub. ( I used to sell worms many moons ago)
3. Right now I have a couple of compost bins I built-
2 wooden pallets for the back and 2 for the front- 1 each for the sides- so basically they are a 8 x 4 x 4.
I compost everything possible from the house and 75% of what my 3 goats produce. At any time I can turn compost over and get a handful of crawlers.