The Recreation Area is open to pedestrian access during daylight hours all year long.
Vehicle and Non-Motorized Boat Access:
The recreation area entrance gate is open 8:00 a.m. to dusk each day from Memorial Day Holiday weekend in May to the end of October.
Restricted Areas:
For public safety and security reasons, the dam as well as the water and shoreline area within 300 feet (100 meters) of the dam is restricted from public access. This area is under camera and patrol surveillance.
Non-motorized boats are allowed on the reservoir under the following restrictions:
Non-motorized boats only
Hand launch only
No docking facilities
Boats must be clean prior to entering the recreation area and launching. Cleaning debris from boats in the reservoir or protected watershed is prohibited.
Wind Surfing
Wind surfing is allowed on the reservoir under the following restrictions:
Wind surfers must wear a full dry suit. All other body contact is prohibited as studies show that human body contact in drinking supply source waters lead to increased incidence of illness. Wet suits, swim suits, and wading are not allowed.
Hand launch only
Bicycles must stay on paved roads or the Pioneer Trail as posted open for bike use, and must yield to all pedestrians.
Speed Limit & Safety
The recreation area speed limit is 15 mph for all motorized and non-motorized travel (including bicycles).
Dogs, Horses and Domestic Animals
Dogs, horses and all other domestic animals are prohibited in the protected watershed area to preserve drinking water quality.
See link for more info on dogs/animals in the watershed.
Fishing is allowed on Little Dell Reservoir in accordance with the current fishing proclamation issued by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources . Please clean and dispose of fish waste outside the canyon to protect the water supply and keep the area clean for others.
Anglers must wear clean waders while in the stream or lake. Fishing from a float tube is allowed with a dry suit or rubber waders (wet suits is not allowed).
All Cutthroat Trout must be immediately released
Artificial flies & lures only
Brook Trout limit is 4
NO CLEANING FISH ON SITE or anywhere in the protected watershed canyon
The Little Dell Reservoir site is within the Parley's Canyon protected watershed area and falls under the guidelines and restrictions of the Salt Lake City Chapter 17.04 Watershed Ordinance. A violation of any of these restrictions is a Class B Misdemeanor. Penalties are up to $1,800 and/or jail. Please help us keep the water supply clean by observing the watershed regulations!
I think it is Still $5., but they have an annual pass as well for a fair price.
It does seem to be a target for poaching and illegal fishing. Up to us to stop that crap[
