04-11-2010, 09:00 AM
We had a pretty good day on the water today, just no size on the fish we caught. Hooked up with several bass today, just never found the one&#39;s with good weight. We fished our first stop until noon, which was a large flat with some deeper water nearby and some grass here and there in spots. The fish were wanting a trap this morning. Caught all of our keepers off of this spot today, they were just spread out up and down the bank. Found the MOTHERLOAD of drum! I landed several today, with one pushing the 25-30lb mark. Seems the Drum were as excited about the trap as the bass were. They were absolutely KILLING my Red Eye Shad. <br /><br />Left our spot to go look for bigger fish. Hit some similar areas looking for the same conditions. We stayed from 2-8ft for the most part today and caught all but 2 of our fish on traps. Faith caught another on a crankbait and I caught one on the blade, but the trap was definitely the ticket for us. <br /><br />It was an AWESOME day to be on the water! Absolutely beautiful! Glad to see such a great turnout for a CFF event! 56 boats.....WOW!!!<br /><br />Congrats to all the money winners! Hope to see all y&#39;all next month on Nickajack!<br /><br /><br />Here&#39;s a pic of my trophy drum from today....Faith wanted to hold it <br /><br />http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn56/dirtymax58/c8f2ac2c.jpg