Fishing Forum

Full Version: XLDVee, Chick, CFF #3, 4/10/10, jonathanfaith2
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We had a pretty good day on the water today, just no size on the fish we caught. Hooked up with several bass today, just never found the one's with good weight. We fished our first stop until noon, which was a large flat with some deeper water nearby and some grass here and there in spots. The fish were wanting a trap this morning. Caught all of our keepers off of this spot today, they were just spread out up and down the bank. Found the MOTHERLOAD of drum! I landed several today, with one pushing the 25-30lb mark. Seems the Drum were as excited about the trap as the bass were. They were absolutely KILLING my Red Eye Shad. <br /><br />Left our spot to go look for bigger fish. Hit some similar areas looking for the same conditions. We stayed from 2-8ft for the most part today and caught all but 2 of our fish on traps. Faith caught another on a crankbait and I caught one on the blade, but the trap was definitely the ticket for us. <br /><br />It was an AWESOME day to be on the water! Absolutely beautiful! Glad to see such a great turnout for a CFF event! 56 boats.....WOW!!!<br /><br />Congrats to all the money winners! Hope to see all y'all next month on Nickajack!<br /><br /><br />Here's a pic of my trophy drum from today....Faith wanted to hold it Smile <br /><br />