About two weeks ago there was a post saying that Piute Reservoir was ice free. That's all I've heard. I'm wondering if anybody has been down there to fish--either from the shore or from a boat--and had any success. Last year about this time we went down and had great success just fishing from the rocky shoreline. I'm thinking about going down later this week, but I'd feel better about the long drive if I knew that the fish were biting. Can anybody help me?
It's open but since the water was completely drawn down last year all there are left is a few 13-14 planters. If you were to head down there your time would be better spent at otter creek.
Thanks! You just saved me a LOT of trouble and frustration. I'll head somewhere else.
Otter Creek is only 25 min away from Piute, IMHO better too.. I'm going to Otter Creek this weekend and I'll let you know how it went.
Piute still has fish in it. We caught some nice ones through the ice. One that would push 5 lbs. It was drained down to nothing and I'm sure many fish were lost so it may not be as good as it was in years past.
Haven't been there for ice off.
Otter Creek last Friday was interesting. Lots of people and few catching fish. I saw probably a half dozen fish caught in the three plus hours I was there and I had a lot of folks to watch.
I counted 55 people on the south end of the lake from the state park around the dam and other side of that cove as well as about 10 boats all fishing in tight quarters. Interesting to see folks rubbing shoulders and chancing tangling lines with one another. For what reason they were all clustered down on that end, I'm still not sure.
Few to no people fishing on the north end of the lake.
If you fish Otter and don't want the chance to become very aquainted to your neighbor, I wouldn't suggest driving to the south end of the lake.
A five pounder out of Piute... this year!!?? I gotta see pics...