Just a quick question. Anyone here buiold their own lures...eg spinners, crankbaits, worms,e tc. If so, care to divulge any secrets.<br><br>I just finished building the last spinner in a kit that Premium Lures sent me to field test for my website. I ended up getting 104 spinners out of it and had a blast buidling every one of them. Anyone else out there who find building their own lures as much fun as catching fish with them?. <br><br>keep those lines wet <br><br>Daniel C. Nielsen<br>http://www.nebraskafishing.com/index.html
I haven't tried spinners, but I tie flies, and create plugs for bass fishing. Over this past winter, I built 20 buzzbaits that I created with a variety of colors. One color and blade type outperformed all the others. Pearl body, metal 3-blade, with a white/silver skirt with added 10 strands of crystal flash...<br><br>Very fun to make, especially catching fish on home-mades...<br><br>[laugh]
I am seriously thinking about ordering this kit from Premium Lures . They sent me the first one as a field test for free. Retails for over $150 but looking back at all the lures I made out of it, it was well worth the money.<br><br>I was just interested to see who else out there made their own. I tie some flies, (pretty badly) and mess around with building crankbaits for panfish etc, but lately I have been having some serious ideas on improvements on things like jigheads, crankbaits designs, spoons etc. I even have a few designs drawn up for wooden topwater water baits.<br><br>I am having as much fun doing this as fishing and am looking for all the info I can on how to build these things. I am going to have to get a hold of MJB and ask him some questions on jigheads and molds. I have a design I worked on and made a prototype and tried. Three cast and something snatched it and it was gone. Haven't had the time to rebuild another one with work and all, but its on the burner.<br><br>I don't normally fish with buzzbaits, but your homemade one sounds pretty good. pearl is a favorite color of mine!<br><br>Thanks<br><br><br>keep those lines wet <br><br>Daniel C. Nielsen<br>http://www.nebraskafishing.com/index.html
yep i carve some baits in balsa or abacchi mostly over 4" long fun &relaxing hobbie <br><br>
I make my own Quick strikes for pike.<br><br>
I am always experimenting with something different. Whittled me a jitterbug out of red cedar once. The fish latched on to it and couldn’t pull it under. (The unsinkable fishing lure) if a big enough fish swallows it and breaks your line you just come back out the next day you will find your lure on top the water with your fish attached to it.<br><br>[cool] “Don’t forget to wiggle your jig.” davetclown
The biggest mistake anglers make (so believes a couple of my pals that own tackles shops) is that they can BUY a lure that will catch them a fish. Hah!<br><br>The hard part is finding the fish.<br><br>But back to making lures. That is exactly what those guys that own "Big" lure companies are doing. They are inventing and experimenting with new stuff all the time.<br><br>I make lures. I buy new lures and improve them. I take my Dremel Moto-Tool and my official dentit's bifocal-magnifying head deal and make 'um look or perform better (sometimes it's actually, better).<br><br>I take marks-A-Lot markers and add spots, stripes, change the eyes, or color the hooks.<br><br>I sharpen the hooks and polish the points and barb ramps while wearing the magnifyer deal.<br><br>I have many lures that I had to make because the effect or size I wanted is not available for sale. Like Giant Tuna lures.<br><br>Most, Iron" available here in So. Cal. is painted rather plainly. I have made mine look more like the finish on Rappallas or Yo-Zuri's.<br><br>A guy here, Allan Cole, made his own lure and revolutionionized local fishing. For months all of the home outlet stores here were sold out of beveled table legs.<br><br>Making your own rods is cool too.<br><br>Once in a great while, I will disguise myself, so that no one I know will reccognize me, I will sneak into a fly shop. "They" have some nifty materials like wierd feathers and mylar type holographic strings.<br><br>Of course a lot of the stuff is "Faggy". Lacey, poofy, pink stuff, you know what I mean?<br><br>Women's craft stores have some lure making treasures including holographic glitter, feathers, glues, beads, and EYES! Good place to pick up broads, too.<br><br>I can spend hours testing lures without catching anything.<br><br>I bring loser lures to LURE HEADQUARTERS and run them through the process again.<br><br>Almost every morning I work on lures. I tiny coating of MiniWax Clear Gloss Poyurethane at a time. One coat a day.<br><br>Kinda like an assembly line.<br><br>
wow ace you are the man...........I mean you make your own lures and sneak into fly shops and hang out in craft stores so you can hit on old ladies, I just wish I could have that kind of "life"!<br><br>kybasser<br>"The two best times to fish is when it's rainin' and when it ain't." ~Patrick F. McManus
ACE I am [shocked] you in a fly shop?<br><br>I know what you mean as a kid my neighbor was a lure craftsman and tour guide he had built a swimming pool in his basement for the sole purpose of building spoons and testing them for King Fish lures. He gave to me a sample package of stick on material. All kinds of flashy sparkly glittery glow stick on material I have yet to find this material anywhere. Ed Cruse has been dead for better than 20 years now. He had given some spoons that he had made. They were supposed to whistle in the water. <br><br>I lost them to the “Hog” in Kelsey’s pond. (A three-acre pond in the back of Kelsey’s Farm – my other neighbor.) A thirty-inch large mouth bas that had been planted there by Grandpa Kelsey the year the pond was dug back in 1965. He was the monster of the pond. All the kids in the hood came there to try their luck with the “Hog.” That “Hog” had ate every thing that I through at him, and then some. What I mean by that is one day I was bound and determined to catch him. I put on a 70-pound test mono on my reel. (Zebco 202) tightened down on the drag and proceeded to Kelsey’s Pond. After a few hours of catching hundreds of stunted gills, I latched on to him, and before you could say jack sprat he had snapped my fiberglass pole in half and then I herd the rifle sound of the 70-pound test! My heart dropped to my feet that day and I learned a profound respect for that “Hog” <br><br>No one had ever landed him, ever! So by now you are probably wandering how know that the “Hog” was 30 inches in length. The “Hog” passed away, not by the hand of man but by the hand nature. The winters freeze of 1978 with its 3-5 feet of ice covering all the lakes and ponds in the area. I had found him lying up on shore,
dened by the site I left him in peace and sped the word to the hood. Every one came out to pay their last respects. For a part of our youths had been striped away that day. Grandpa Kelsey once had told me that the “Hog” was about 17 inches when he was introduced to the pond. The “Hog” originally came from Reed Lake through the ice on December of 1965. <br><br>In many ways now, I am glad that I never caught him. <br><br>Before I forget dose any one know where I can find that sticker material? <br><br><br>[cool] “Don’t forget to wiggle your jig.” davetclown
Hello windingriver,<br>Welcome to the BFT Message boards! <br><br>Please try to limit these types of posts to the Classified ads. I will leave this up for a day or so, so you can move it to the classifieds but will delete these in the future.<br><A HREF="http://www.bigfishtackle.com/Classifieds/pages/" target="_new">http://www.bigfishtackle.com/Classifieds/pages/</A><br><br>[laugh] How about a good laugh?<br><A HREF="http://www.bigfishtackle.com/comics.htm " target="_new">http://www.bigfishtackle.com/comics.htm </A> <br><br>Mike H
how did u get to field test them i would love to do that.