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Full Version: Pro Bass Angler Gets Jail Time for Cheating
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[Image: 7_lb_bass.JPG]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4]Money, fame, glory. All great reasons to try your best to win a [/size][/#000000][/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4]bass[/size][/#000000][/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4] fishing tournament, but Texas bass pro, Robby Rose, took it a little too far.

From the
[/size][/#000000][/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4]Dallas Morning News

Robby Rose, family man, business owner and bass tournament competitor, admits he put a 1-pound lead weight down the gullet of a fish he caught in an event last October at Lake Ray Hubbard.
At stake that day was the tournament's top prize, a $55,000 boat.
But Rose says there's more to the story.
"Am I sorry about it? Could I have handled the whole episode better?" he asked at his Garland home Wednesday. "Yes, of course."
But he insists he wasn't cheating to win the prize, which was the charge he pleaded guilty to in a Rockwall court Tuesday.
His plea meant a felony conviction for attempted theft, 15 days in jail, five years' probation, a $3,000 fine and suspension of his fishing license while on probation.
Rose contends that he won second place fair and square, and that his added weight wasn't an attempt to jump into first, but rather a slap in the face to tournament organizers. Rose added the weight to his 9-pound bass (editor's note: If I caught a 9-pound largemouth, I'd be doing cartwheels in excitement) to "embarrass the sport."
Now he'll be embarrassing himself while on probation (and off the water) for the next five years. I guess we can add vengeance to that list of reasons why people try to win bass tournaments.
In my opinion he should never be allowed in anymore fishing tournaments for life, like Pete Rose was never able to play ball again. The old saying If you do the Crime you can do the Time!
Got this information from a group I'm in!

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I think the idiot should loose his fishing license for good. Thats just wrong. what ever happened to a plain good ole competition. I love fishing tournaments, i think they r a ton of fun and very challenging. If you are gonna do stuff like that, it takes all the fun out of it. on top of that it probly killed that beautiful bass. Who is he kidding when he said he did it to slap the organizers in the face and embarrass the sport, not to place first. What an idiot, of course he did it to get first. Just admit your a looser and take the punishment. I think everyone involved in the tournament should slap that jackass in the face. [pirate]
Real nice example for the kids. If you can't be happy with second place, then cheat. We now have our loser for the week.
[shocked] Wow who would ever do that (other than him)?!?!?!?! Oh yea, he should get his license suspended!!! What a jerk![mad]
I don't understand how this embarrasses the sport. It only embarrasses him. Pretty dumb reasoning to try to justify cheating.

I dont think he is embarassed at all, other than maybe he got caught in the act.

I have seen some greedy fishermen in the past, even saw a few over the weekend first hand, It dosnt suprize me what some people wont do to win or will to to cut other anglers out so they can max out on thier limits on opening day.

This only proves that angers are human and can be as tempted by the same desiers all other pro atheats are for fame and fortune.

Greed is a terrible thing,