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Hello everyone hope everybody is doing some steelhead fishing!!! I'm new to the site and was wondering who all is ready for the salmon fishing to start. Ive been watching the dam counts and they are coming in full force especially the last couple of days. Anyone do any plunking? It's really the only way I fish for salmon so that I can enjoy my beverages and fish all day long. If anyone wants reports for CJ Strike or Anderson well anywhere around there let me know!! Does anyone know how long it takes for salmon to reach riggins after they cross the lower granite!!!

Salmon fishing is on!!!!
Welcome to the forum. There are plenty of people here who steelhead and salmon fish. Hope to hear from you often.

I'm thinking middle of May. Big numbers now over Bonneville. Close to 8,000 yesterday. I am going to fish for them at the confluence in Lewiston. So, have to been to Anderson? Would be interested in any info, and I will likewise keep you informed on anything I hear on the chinook end. Mike
Im headed up to white bird 5,6,7,and 8th of may to see if there will be any fish there. I know its early but im thinking the first part of the push might just be getting there by then. Plus i report for the hotshot crew in elko on the 9th so Im screwed for the rest of the season unless I go up for one day.

Anderson- i heard kokenee are still 50-60ft. Catching some nice trout in the tribs where they dump into the res. I havent heard anything on the smallies. they should be picking up soon if it stays this nice.
Thanks for the Anderson info. Yeah, I talked to a fellow last year who fishes the tribs this time of year, and does quite well. Ast it gets closer to your fishing times, we will all know much more, I'm sure. Mike