This weather is getting me excited for some bowfishing. Anybody have a report on blackfoot reservoir? Just wondering if it is still frozen. Also for those that have hit it for carp when does it usually start getting good. I bowfished it last year but not until june. Thanks
Road isn't quite accessible should be off in a week-this according to a local farmer. Carp fishing gets good normally end of April! [

]-once the water starts to warm in the shallows-game on[cool][cool][cool]!!!!
Hey thanks, may have to get up there in a few weeks to check it out.
anyone been up there yet. Thinking of going tomorrow but don't want to make the drive if it might be to early. What do you think, think they will be up tomorrow or should i wait another week.
Should find em tomorrow. They only need a couple of warm day. Shallow water- 2-3ft at the deepest is what you need to look for.
Thats what i was thinking, but i was fishing around Massacre rocks this afternoon and only saw a few carp in the shallows. It made me nervous that it might be to early. We will probably give it a go anyways though.
Found a bunch of 5 lbers today in one particular bay, and saw a few hell-raisers in another that we didn't fish. Didn't pick up until noon and we did the best when the wind was blowing. Good luck if you get out.
was up there most of the day. Still a tad early in my opinion, we got into some fish but not the numbers i saw last year. The ones we did get into were really good fish though. Forgot the scale at home of course, but i would say we shot 7-8 over 20 lbs, and one that i think was pushing 30, but hard to tell without the scale. Fun day. wife took some pics so i will try to get them up soon.
My buddy camped up there and they did pretty well. I'll have to post a few of his pics...he got a couple around the 30# mark!![cool] He also found our "spot" to be loaded with fish so if you head up again pm me and I'll direct you to where you can find a few more[

Do you guys ever go out at night there? Just wonderd how it was as you seem to find bigger fish in the shallows at night
I saw one boat up there last year with lights and everything for night fishing. I haven't done it yet, can't see spending all the money on lights when the fishing during the day is so good. Thinking of camping one time there this year so maybe I will pull out the spotlight and give it a try.
nvr done it...nvr needed to. When they're in the shallows it's not about finding them...just getting them bite! If you're bow hunting then no worries about the bite
![[Image: happy.gif]](
Is there a campground or could I pitch a tent anywhere?
if you have never done it at night don't lol cause you will wonder why you ever went in the day
[frown]muddy and slow a buddy of mine went yesterday got skunked
I have gone at night at other places, and it was nothing but trouble. More bugs, and dealing with all the lights was a hassle. I'll stick to day fishing.
well i can see your point if it was nothing but trouble. But for us its nice to get out on the river when the bass and fishing boats arnt zooming from one place to another and ya dont have to deal with jetskis and water skiers. we have found that a lot of the bigger fish show up at night too and you arnt dealing with the heat and afternoon winds. The buggs seem to mellow out after 11. I have fine tunes our assult vessle to minimize problems if your ever down this way and want to give it another go give me a holler [

sorry to hijack your thread [:p]
Nice setup!
do you spot light the fish and lead them to your lure and they dont move?[sly]
If my setup looked like that then hell ya I would be fishing at night. That is a nice rig. I thought about converting my duck boat to something similar in the summer months but have neither the money or the time it seems. I would be up for giving it a try though. How far from poky do you usually go. I usually just go to blackfoot, but have seen some big ones while bass fishing the river. Shoot me a pm and maybe we can work something out.
Thanks guys It keeps us in fish [cool] I will shoot you a pm when the action gets good. I mainly just fish from mindadoka to milner But always wanted to get up to blackfoot as i hear some big ones come out of there