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I have been debating for months about repacing my felt soled boots. Alaska and now Vermont has banned them for 2011, other states have already done so. I fish mainly on east coast but get to Utah twice a year and just got back from Steelheading on the Salmon River in New York. We have Dydimo(sp?) in Maryland and I certainly don't want to spread it.
I finally bit the bullet and bought a pair. My criteria was Vibram sole and removable cleats. I bought a certain brand that starts with on "O" mainly because I had a gift certificate. $119 with the cleats.
The Salmon river is not a moss covered rock river, but it has sizable rocks that are slippery enough. I'm not sure that any boots, felt included, will help you much on slippery moss. But, I will say I was surprised at how well these boots held. At first I was very tentative, but soon learned that I could put my foot down on a rock and not take a bath. By the way, I didn't have the cleats in because we were also using a drift boat so I'm thinking they will only be better with them.
I am happy I made the change, and yes, I will still clean them before using again.
Bought the hubby some Simms with the Vib sole a year and half ago. He loves them. I also bought the carbide cleets. Like you, he said they didn't need them.
Good is good...Orvis has Vibram?[Wink]
I switched a little over a year ago. I didn't get the cleats but they work as well as felt without them. I was a little more careful at first thinking they might slip a little easier but now I don't even think about them.
You're saying Vibram works a good as felt on round, slippery, rocky bottoms?

I ask because I'm hoarding my felt, which I love. I clean them, and don't believe they transport the dirty critters any worse than other boots. But, felt is going to be oblelete soon, I'm afraid.

I prefer boot foot waders rather than stocking foots with boots though (easy on and off, and just easier), but those, too, are getting hard to find in premium quality waders. Orvis is my preference by far.
I was skeptical about the vibram sole's performance as well. I purchased mine before a trip to New Zealand because they outlawed felt there. I also use boot foot by the way. Anyway if I've noticed a difference at all I'd have to give a slight edge to the vibram. I don't recall slipping in them ever in the 15 months I've had them. Didn't slip a lot in felt but never went 15 months without recalling a few slips before. I gave up on premium waders because I tear all of them up in a couple years no matter how much I spend on them. I got my current pair at Cabelas but there wasn't much of a selection for bootfoot waders in January and got the only pair that fit me right before going on my trip. Not even sure the brand or model off the top of my head. Maybe a few others can chime in about how they are doing with the switch away from felt.
I think it's too early to say Vibram is as good as felt, but for sure I think it will be the best alternative. Going to West Virginia in a couple weeks and that will give me good feed back since they do have some slippery rocks up there.
Slipperyer than the Provo Snot Rocks.??!!!..LOL[laugh][laugh]