Does anyone know when they start stocking Lower Bells Reservoir in Sandy? I know that they have bad winterkills because they drain it 80% every year. I'm thinking of trying it out next Saturday (May 1st). Also, does anyone know when the upper reservoir usually thaws? It's elevation is about 9,400 feet.
I don't think that they stock it at all. Natural reproduction probably from the upper lake.
I was up at the lower res last week. The water was so low the res was about 1/5 the normal size.
The upper res your looking at about mid June. They do stock the lower one but I am not sure when. I have caught cutthroats out of both.
Lets keep the controversy going! Because as far as I know they do not stock the lower reservoir at all. And have not for years and years and years. Its Brood Stock for other cutthroat populations if im not mistaken.
p.s. i dont know what kind of shape your in or how you are at navigating, but the upper res. is a pain in the ass to find and difficult too get to. I personaly go to the gym 4 days a week and do triathlons along with all the hiking and backpacking I do and I still question going back there myself lol. If you do go good luck and plan for a looooong hike.
I have checked the Utah DWR stocking reports and I do not believe it is stocked. Looks like the upper reservoir receives a stocking of 2" fish every other year. Also the lower reservoir is posted catch and release and artificials only. Having hiked the trail to the upper reservoir, I would doubt that a fish could travel down that stream, very steep, a lot of drop offs and a couple of fairly large water falls. Hiking the trail is like walking on a stair stepper. I would suspect the lower reservoir is probably just natural reproduction of a very small population of Native Bonneville Cutthroat trout; there might be a native population in the lower stream that feeds the reservoir as well. Either way, this population cannot support catch and take fishing pressure.
I just always figured they stoked it. I never saw it with my own eyes. Now that I think about it I have seen some sick old spawned out looking cuts that were about 18 inches long hanging out there. I have caught some healthy ones too that went about 18 inches or so as well. I have also seen them in the river. Maybe your right. Your surly right about the upper res. IT is a pain. One spot I refer to as the stairway to hell. It is a fun hike though. I always just take my time and pace myself and sometimes even camp out along the way in the big meadows you go through. I might have said this on another thread before but I have hiked up there early season and literally walked right by the lake like 4 times before finding out which way to go. I would recommend a good light weight water filter instead of carrying a bunch of heavy water. The water up there is awesome. The only reason I dont go up there anymore is they dont allow dogs. I cant justify not taking them with me to do stuff like that.