04-27-2010, 09:00 AM
This is a good news/bad news report. I took Mike (Kaiser0305) to the Riverpark this morning for some spotted bass fishing. We did just fine considering the conditions. 15,000 cfs water flow and SW wind that was blowing up back up river against the flow. emoBang We managed to land 48 bass (4 largemouth, 44 spots), 1 catfish, 1 red breast, 4 goggle eyes, and about 3 or 4 bluegills. We caught our fish on 1/16 oz and 1/8 oz jigheads with various plastics on them. I even caught a few on topwater and lost the 2 biggest fish on a topwater plug. I tried to keep them from jumping, but they had a mind of their own and when they jumped, they threw the pop-R back at me. This is the good news part of the report.<br /><br />Now the bad news. On the run back to the ramp, my motor croaked somewhere along the golf course. Motor runs, no propulsion. Broke something in the lower unit. So, I got on the trolling motor, set it on high and proceeded to troll against the current toward the Riverpark ramp. There wasn&#39;t another boat in sight today except one bass boat that we passed below the bridges before our motor conked out. There was one boat on the opposite shoreline and they were fishing. I blew my whistle several times and we waved everything we had, and they chose to ignore us and continue on their way on down the riprap toward the golf course.<br /><br />I called Rsimms to see if he was on the water by chance, and he was busy at Channel 9 and said he could come and help us in about an hour. I told him that we might be back to the ramp by then. But it took us 2 hours to make that trip against the current. Thank goodness for a very good Duralast trolling motor battery that got us there in spite of 3 hours of fishing before calling upon it to rescue us. emoBig I saw EPaul when we were about 100 yards from the ramp. Too little, too late.<br /><br />So, no more fishing reports from me this week unless I get to go with someone else. Now, I have to find someone to work on my motor. emoBig emoGeezer