04-29-2010, 09:00 AM
Hal took me crappie fishing today in the lake. Day after the cold front moved through. It was a slow go for a while. Actually it was slow the entire 5 hours that we fished. What we lacked in numbers, we more than made up for with quality black crappie. We each caught a TARP crappie today. About 5 minutes apart. We landed 30 crappie, a couple of bass, and a white bass. We caught our fish on BG soft plastics and 1/16 oz jigs. The fish were scrapping the bottom today. We did catch one crappie off nearly every dock that we tried, but it was by itself. <br /><br />The majority of the fish we caught was in a place that we named petticoat juntion. emoBig
It was a junction of a creek and the main river channel. If you look at the pics, you will see that it is very near the green marker buoy. emoPoke emoBig
The fish were holding about 17 feet deep or so. And we had to practically drag the jig along the bottom to get a bite. But quality fish they were. <br /><br />The last fish came off a roadbed in about 17-20 feet of water, very near the tyner lane ramp. We traveled about 10 miles of river to fish different docks, bluffs, juntions, roadbeds, etc. I thought that we saw Labman running up the lake as we were getting ready to call it a day. Don&#39;t know for sure that it was him, but it looked like his boat and I know that he was fishing today.<br /><br />Beautiful day on the water. Very little wind, sunny most of the time and after a chilly start to the morning, turned out to be gorgeous. Thanks, Hal for taking me fishing today. You will be rewarded for taking a fisherman out whose boat is in the shop. emoBig
emoGeezer<br /><br />I&#39;m having trouble loading the pics. I&#39;ll try it again in a few minutes.