Fishing Forum

Full Version: MrWiskers, Riverpark (where else?), Spots and Smallies, 4-23-2010, AlvinC
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<br /> Alvin and I decided to hit the Riverpark tonight to chase some post spawn smallies. We put in a little after 5:30 and the wind was blowing about 100 MPH. So the spot I caught the smallies on yesterday was white capping so we rode downriver to my pets. Fished down there for just over an hour and boated 21 spots and a real pretty meanmouth mostly on topwater (Tyler, not sure what you did last night but it was the wrong thing). The wind died down so we rode back up river to my small mouth hole. Took a while to find them but we did. First smalle of the night was a 3.8 lb 19 inch toad that Alvin got. I got a 16.5 incher a few minutes later. Alvin boated a 10" smallie and another on around 16 inches. He also lost a 16 incher at the boat and had another one take a run on him and pull off. We packed up just before 9 and headed home. Gotta say it was an awsome evening on the water.<br /> <br /> We ended up with 32 bass in the boat (4 smallies, 1 meanmouth and 27 spots), 2 channel cats, 3 google eyes, a red breast and a bluegill. Water temp was 68. Most of the spots came on torpedo with a couple on tubes and pig n jig (anybody see a pattern here) while the cats and smallies came on tubes. <br /> <br /> I kept 10 spots for the freeze and 4 of them were full of eggs. Some are spawning now but I think the majority will drop next week during the full moon. I will see you guys down there.