We have had wind for so long I can't remember when it was calm. Last weekend it was bad, since then several towns here in the Magic Valley have had 50+ MPH wind. 20 MPH is the normal range right now. Man I wish it would let up for next weekend!
It has been windy where I am also. Can't wait to get a tube.
Got to replace 7 post in my fence from our little breeze last week!!!
This has been the windiest spring I can remember. It has been pretty relentless. We have only gotten out to fish a few times.
We lost a hot tub cover and about 20 shingles in that wind. It ripped the cover loose then ripped it in half.
Even nature is a bit

I -- here is a freezing little bluebird sitting on top of some of my cherry trees that are trying to bloom --- and it is snowing. At least it isn't blowing -- yet --- this morning.
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Kansas is known for being windy, but this is the windiest spring I've ever remembered. I've lost a number of shingles from my roof and may have to re-roof sooner rather than the later for which I was hoping. I'm really, really tired of it.
I know what you mean. I got tired of nasty weather everytime I am off on my weekend so I purchased a non res license for CO, Since I am in Grand Junction every week I can at least go fishing in warm nice weather now. I just picked up a gently used Caddis u boat that I am rigging up for that area. I have access to a storage closet at the hotel I stay at and will keep it there.[

while I sympathize with your concerns over wind in TN yesterday they had tornadoes and heavy raing.. some areas had between 2 - feet of rain and flooding with an expectation for 8 plus inches more..
the weather patterns all over the world have just been crazy.. somewhere along someone really pissed off mama nature... [

MacFly [cool]
[cool][#0000ff]It really has been wacko all over. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Could we call it "global whomping"?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Careful about pulling Mama Nature's chain. She's been knowed to do some shakin' if she gets really riled. Folks in Haiti, China and Mexico musta done sumpin' to set her off. Maybe she is havin' hot flashes and needs to get new meds.[/#0000ff]
LOL>. my thoughts exactly.. even here in CA its been more quakes than usual.. more rain than usual, and windier than usual... not sure what set her off but if she'd tell us what we can do to settler her down Id sure put money towards it.. [

MacFly [cool]
Windy in TX also, but also cooler than normal with plenty of water from the rainy season, which has been a real treat. No effect on my 'tooning since I do mostly rivers and creeks with high banks that offer protection. Slight hazard of being hit by dead limbs falling from the tops of trees when the wind is very strong at 30mph or so.