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Full Version: Public fishing Lake Norman
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Howdy, I'm wondering if you could fish off of the docks at public boat landings or do you have to go to designated areas to fish on lake Norman
[#005000]I don't know about lake Norman, but if you go to [url ""][/url] and sign up! They would know all the information you need! It is or NC from the mountains, Piedmont and the coast![/#005000]
[#005000]on that web site, my name is Dennis RunningBear[/#005000]
that is a good queation, Even in my home state I could not tell you yes or no,

each park has the right to set its own rules as to weather or not you can fish from the docks.

One good way to get kicked off the dock is to be present while or in the way of boaters comming and going. Remember that the boaters have the right of way on loading docks.

if you know where you are going ahead of time, it never hurts to call ahead to see what the fishing rules are, and if there are designated fishing areas. "most parks the beaches are out of bounds for fishing"