im thinking of forming a carp club. there are some things that you HAVE to be able to do in order to join.
there are no dues
you must own a cooler capable of holding 24 or more beers with ice
you must have a wife beater t shirt with chicken grease stains and holes in it (mandatory wear to tourneys)
you must be able to burp, at the minimum of the first 4 letters of the alphabet.
first prize is 3 beers
2nd prize is 2 beers
3 prize is one beer.
im in.
might wanna make having a lifted truck a requirement as well[

Thats my kind of club sign me up
Sounds like a club for Utah Rednecks.[:p]
it sorta is, there will be country music available....
here are a few of the rules i have come up with off the top of my head:
1. come out to have fun, but be safe doing it (ie a DD, or a tent to sleep in if you have one to many)
2. kids are welcome but please provide a notice that they are.
3. when children are present all members need to conduct themselves in an apporpriate fashion.
4. if a member catches a carp over 23 lbs (23, Ryne Sandbergs old number from the worlds best baseball team) all other members owe said member a beer.
5. if you catch a carp over 50 lbs, we all bow down in amazment to your skill.
im sure ill come up with more give me time.
Haha! Sounds like good times to me!
Make a substitution of mt. dew for beer and im in! I can even DD for those who do drink beer!
that can be done sir
Im down for that.
[cool][#0000ff]Is something like this a part of the meetings?[/#0000ff]
[url ";postatt_id=60219"][inline "MAN EATING CARP.jpg"][/url]
where did you get a pic of my prom date!!!?
[quote kochanut]where did you get a pic of my prom date!!!?[/quote]
[cool][#4040ff]You stole her from me and I was following you guys 'cause I was so jealous. Broke my heart to see that slut falling for you. Musta been the twelve pack you smuggled into the prom.[/#4040ff]
[quote kochanut]i(ie a DD, or a tent to sleep in if you have one to many)
this is going to sound stupid but what does DD mean and im not old enough to buy beer so would there be a different drink i could bring ?
Designated Driver, and as club founder, i would always provide a 12 pack of soda..... next to my beer of course.
So when is the first meeting of the utah rednecks?
right now im shooting for the first week in June.... as far as location about a week or so before ill set up a pole and well have a vote on the first place, like willard, or Benson, or UL.
to get this out of the way, this will be SHORE ONLY. no need putting someones safety at risk, that and the comradiare (sp) of the club will/should be alot better if were stacked in one area telling each other lies and laughs.
ok, its goig to be the second weekend in june for the inagrual (sp) meet up/fish off. once the time gets closer i will post a poll asking ya'll where you want to have it, majority rules. any legal means of taking carp is allowed (ie Bow, rod/reel, etc.). im looking around for ideas and places to make cheap T-shirts also. just wanted to keep everyone up to date.
Hey Zak, contact Bountyhunter for your Tshirts. Todd has been making them for me and has done a great job, here is a link to his profile: [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=Bountyhunter"];pg=user_profile_view.html;username=Bountyhunter[/url]