05-04-2010, 09:00 AM
A little late for a report for Saturday but I guess it doesn't really matter. Jason and I ran to a flat with a fairly deep channel running right into the middle. We had a limit in about ten minutes and started off good. We caught several fish in the 2 to 2.5 lb range and went else where to try to cull up. This is where I will complain about catching too many keepers in one day believe it or not. emoLaugh The pattern for us was flipping jigs into spawning areas. Litterally EVERY spot we fished we caught the same fish over and over. We pulled fish out of my livewell many times compairing to see if we could improve but they all seemed identical. Good bight, set the hook and felt like a good fish but just the same little fat 2 pounder everywhere we fished! emoScratch I'm not that good down at Nick so I don't know where to focus on big fish. We were sure once we weeded through the smaller ones we would find some quality fish but you know what they say "no kicker no money". I think its safe to say we boated around 60 bass and not a single one over 2.5 lbs emoHoppingmad. Great day to fish for fun just not very productive tx fishing. Always good to fish with Jason. He also caught a monster crappie on a flipping jig and flung it all the way over the boat on the hookset emoLaugh! I don't know how he didn't rip the lips right off that slab. Thats about it for me. Looked like everyone caught fish and the weather held off good to end on a good note.