Sooo i caught this thing in the hio river on a shiner and i have no idea what it is and i consider myself fairly knowledgeable when it comes to fishing....any help would be greatly appreciated
That my friend is called a red eye, more commonly known as a rock bass
yep that sure is a rock bass. Fight like crazy for there size. Good Eating to. That looks like a nice size one to.

We in my town call them goggle eye, but yeah rock bass.
yep..deffinatly a rock bass...we call em mud bass in the lakes thats what they taste like!
if you can get them out of clean water and soak and rince them out a few times befor cooking them, they are not to bad,
but ya, tippicaly they do absorbe any garbage in the water and the taist reflects it. [:/]
Rock Bass is the official name. Cooked? Please soak it in milk for a few hours prior to using your favorite recipe or one of the recipes from our recipe board.[cool]