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Full Version: Willard! 2 bites 1 wiper
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Fished the N. Marina this afternoon for a few hrs before being blown off. Fished from 3:45-510pm with only two bites and 1 Wiper. Saw a few crappie taken but they were in the middle of the N marina in the deeper water. Wiper was caught on a perch colored jig below a bobber. Also went to pineview this morning to see if the crappie were ready to play. Well they aren't ready yet! water is still pretty cold however the lake is full and there is lots of cover for their spawn. Should be soon.

Will be up at willard tomorrow afternoon again come say hi I drive the gray dakota
Nice report! Wish I could stop by and say hello, but the four letter workd calls....Work...its a bummer, but you can bet that I will be there in my dreams. Keep the posts coming....a pic would be awesome!!! even if its just of the lake, I'd like to see it.

Heres the pic my bad
Nice job brother..Score on for the Wild one!!!
thanks bro let me know when you wanna hit it up with the toon
Nice fish. Did you catch that wiper inside or outside of the north marina? What for bait? I've been wanting to target larger wipers but haven't had too much success. I've asked a few guys on here for info on recent wiper catches but no answers.

Do you suggest float tubes or pontoons when searching for wipers or a boat? I have two dave scadden pontoons which i prefer because my small car but also have a honda (honwave) inflatable boat with 20 hp outboard. Any suggestions? Two bites in just over an hour is pretty good for the crappy weather.
Water temp at Willard is still to cool for fish to play, waite about 1 month at the south west corner..[fishin]
Ya it was a bit chilly, I am gonna hit it in the am tomorrow