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Full Version: Need a boater for Pelican tourney
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Salt City Bass is having a tournament at Pelican May 15,16 2010. We are a boat short and I was wondering if somebody from BFT would like to go and fish with one of the non-boaters from the club. It is a paper tournament so no need for live wells but a 'fishing' boat with a trolling motor to get through the weeds would be best. $20 entry and $5 each day for big fish ($30 total). Not a big FLW tournament with a giant payout, just a few guys who like to bass fish and enjoy friendly competition.
Camping is very primitive so we will all be in tents and use generators to charge the batteries in the boats. If you do not have a generator I'm sure we'll have an extra receptacle amongst us.
We are traveling up in pairs to split costs with gas so a non-boater would ride with you, if you don't mind. We will probably fish from safe light on Saturday to around 3-4 pm. Sunday will be safe light to around 2pm. There is a five fish limit of your five biggest bass caught. Measurements will be verified by the other angler and wrote down on the tournament card for that day. Using the Golden Rule (very accurate) chart the top five fish will be converted to pounds and ounces. The conversions are on the tournament cards. We all meet up at the ramp at the allocated time, load the boats and turn in the cards to the tournament director to tally the results after we add them up and the co-angler verifies and signs the card.
Big fish for the day is paid on the spot. Day two, same deal. Results are added for both days and the results are announced. Money for first, second and third, not much but it's glory nonetheless.
Seeing as Pelican is out in the middle of nowhere we usually fend for ourselves when it comes to dinner. I have a coleman grill that I'm going to bring and you are welcome to use it. Sandwiches and snacks on the boat, water, etc Non-boaters slip the boater a few bucks because we all know how expensive it is to have a boat. I think I just about covered everything. If you have any questions or if you are interested send me a pm.
I will be turkey hunting the next couple days but I will be back on Sunday.
One more thing, on Sunday the top boater goes with the last place non-boater and vice versa. It gives everybody the chance to fish with somebody else and share what they learned the day before
How many boats are you expecting out there?
i believe there are only four boats going.
Wow... thats all? Don't they have quite a few members in that club? My roommate from a few years back used to hook up with those guys and go fish those tournaments. He used to have a good time and it seemed like they usually had a pretty good turnout.
We do have a few members but just like anything else, timing is everything and not everybody can make it to Pelican.
Hey John I would like to give it a try. I dont have any more bass expirience than what you gave me but I have a good boat with a bow mount and a generator. The only problem is the back casting platform is not that high. But I do have a live well. call or pm me with all the details.