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Full Version: Fish Lake. is the ice gone?
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just curious if anyone has been by fishlake? i know by this time last year we were fishing. was planning on heading that way next week if the ice is gone. any info would be appreciated. thanks
Trollingjoe, i shared your enthusiasm about next weekend so i stopped by there last night on my way home to check it out. The lake is 90 percent ice covered, there is a hundred or so yards of open water in the southwest corner, twin creeks you can still hit the ice with a good cast from shore. I can't predict the future so i don't know when boats will be allowed with the sheriff controlling that but i can tell you there will be some ice next weekend still. The weather forecast looks pretty chilly for a few days thats what makes me think it's not going to disappear in 5 days, who knows though i've seen lakes lose ice really quick with a few high wind warm days....
hey thanks for the info. i can't wait. i will be there about the 2nd week of june for a week [fishin]
hey christopher30 thanks for the info. guess i will have to change my plans around a little bit. cant wait to get the boat on the lake. heres to hoping for a heat wave lol