[:p][#005000]A buddy and i went to willard sat it was the first time for me but not for him, We was on the water by 7am and first fish on at 8:39am his first big walleye then the fishing lesson began Rich boated four wipers and one nice walleye before i boated my first fish my butt is still sore?, Then i boated my first wiper all in all we ended up catching 7 wipers 5 crappies and 2 walleye It was a great day on the water and i can't wait to get back up there. Maybe next time i will kick his CAN
Nice report and pictures Hydro, thanks for posting. I see the fish are lined up beside the golden rule measuring device but it is hard to make out the inch markers. Just so I can get an idea, how long is the biggest fish?
Good job man! I still havent picked up a walleye out of willard yet this year!
Very nice report,,,,, even better nicer fish.
[#005000]The largest wiper is 21" and went 5lb 2oz
I kind of hate you. I was out there yesterday too and couldn't buy a fish! For the second time this year I got the old skunk-o. I kept telling myself, it's still too cold and no one else we'd talked to had caught any so it's not me. As we pulled into the south marina I saw a guy with a stringer full of fat wipers and at least one walleye! What a slap in the face! Went and talked to him, said he was casting a green marabo (sp??) jig from his pontoon boat. Figures. Anyway, good job, i'm jealous, do it again before I catch a wiper this year and you may get death threats in a PM.
That's a fun day on the pond[fishin].
Thanks for report looks like the bite is heating up.
And welcome to the site.