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Full Version: Willard wipers 05/09/2010
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The wife and I went out for breakfast with the family this morning then headed for Willard. I guess we got on the water about 10:30 and stayed till 3 or so. Slow day for us but she did end up with two wipers and a big crappie trolling. It was a beautiful day, slight breeze, no bugs, no skiers and not many fisherman. I hadn't had the boat on the water since mid April so it was time. It should only get better.
Great job Pete!! wish i could get out on the water. When i have the day off it blows like hell or snows~!!!!!![mad]
Nice picture. I was out there in the north marina and did very well catching crappie. It was catch and release day so I let them all go for someone else. Got there about 6:30 and thought I saw Tube Dude cruising around there but I wasn't sure. They bit really good for about 2 hours then quit.
[cool][#0000ff]Yeah, I was there. Hit the water about 6:30 and left about noonish. Had some commitments. The water temps at launch were under 52 degrees and there were no fish in the north marina that wanted to play in the cold. Made a complete circuit around the marina with not a bite...bait, plastic or feathers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Kicked out of the marina and over to Eagle Beach. Water even colder in the main lake. Started seeing some crappies in 12 to 13 feet of water and finessed a few 10" to 12" crappies. They were all fat pregnant mamas and since it was Mama's Day I gave 'em each a smooch and sent them back to make some kids. Also released a few cookie cutter kitties. Wanted a couple of wipers for the grill. Didn't happen.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]When I went back inside the marina I was amazed. Water temp jumped from 52 in the open lake to 55 inside. That water really does warm up faster in the marina. But, I made a quick circuit and only caught one more mini crappie before I had to boogie.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As I left, the afternoon shift was starting to gather. The warmer water in the afternoons is what brings in both the crappies and the wipers. Got a call from Wildcat94 late afternoon as he was arriving. Said there were almost a hundred bank tanglers and several boats working inside the marina. He called back later and said there had been a mighty harvest around the marina, with a large number of crappies being taken on the southwest area of the marina...along the rocky shoreline...between the boat docks and the marina outlet. Also lots off the fishable docks.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]No thanks. I don't do combat fishing.[/#0000ff]
Mothers Day was great! Awesome Wipers!! I did get out there it's been a year since I made it over the hill! Great Day and the eye's and kitties were biting too! 2 of my favorites to fish for at Willard! Hate to admit this BUT I'm really Crappy at Wipers and Crappy there! Guess I best get after it a bit more because those Wipers look pretty darn tasty!
Smiles Always!
Thanks, get your self a team mate and join us for the Wiper Fest there on the 12th of June, always a fun time.[cool]
Hey Packfan thanks for the report and congrats on the wipers and crappie. I've been wanting to hit willard but the dam weather just wont quit. We have about 4+" of new snow on the ground and windy now. SO maybe soon I will get out and put the boat on the water for the first trip of the year.