05-12-2010, 09:00 AM
Norman was gracious enough to give me another crappie fishing trip today, so we hit the Chick. We started about 9:00 am and the first place that I wanted to try was an old reliable shellcracker bed. I wanted to see if they had moved in yet, but only 1 bluegill and 1 small female shellcracker were there. A few more days and they should be on beds.<br /><br />Then it was off to crappie fish the rest of the day. We caught fish on docks, bluffs, and humps. Our total catch was 41 crappie, 1 very nice smallmouth bass by Norman, 2 spots, 2 bluegills, and 1 shellcracker. Fish were caught on 1/32 and 1/16 oz jigheads with ringer stingers and bg shads. Most of the fish that we caught were at least 8 feet deep and deeper. Some were around 15 feet deep. I had to stop around 1:30 to keep a doctor&#39;s appointment with Dr Phillip Gawthrop. Rain started about 1:05 and DK forgot to bring a rainsuit, so I didn&#39;t have to take a shower after we made the 15 minute run back downriver. emoPoke Actually, I did just to get warm. It was 50 degrees when we started out and only 57 when we quit. I did have 3 shirts on though, but forgot my hat. It did get a wee bit chilly on that run back down the lake. emoBig
<br /><br />I landed my 5th tarp black crappie this year. It was 14.75 inches long. Nice one caught on a short line. I was lucky that it stayed pegged. The flowrate was very managable today making it easy to fish the bluffs. Wind started off about 9 mph from the NNW, but later on in the morning, it practically died down. Norman caught a very pretty smallie that put up a great fight on light line. We also had a few fish that pulled off before getting to the boat. One a nice crappie and another pretty good bass.<br /><br />It was fun, Norman. But didn&#39;t the time fly by. I had told Norman that I needed to be off the water by 1:30 and we were upriver and headed to one dock that he wanted to fish. I suggested another dock to hit before we started back and he asked me if I thought that we had time. I thought it was about 11:00, looked at the watch and it said 12:45. Time flys when you are having fun. emoBig