05-13-2010, 09:00 AM
Got to Tyner ramp about 8:45 and saw Drumking coming down the ramp, I had to take a picture. He had to roll up his pants legs because there is no dock there and I make him wade out to the boat, lol.<br /><br />We headed downriver today to search for some crappie. Wind was howling and got sprayed a lot when turning across the waves. Fishing started very slow, probably the unsettled conditions were a contributing factor. We tried a bluff area that showed some fish, but couldn&#39;t get them going. Moved downriver and found some fish on a dock. They were deep and wanted the bait stuck on their nose before they would bite. 1/32 oz. jigs seemed to work best as they drop slower and are in the strike zone longer. Most of the fish caught were on a dead still bait, just hanging there. BG Shad in Blue Thunder was my best today, DK likes to mix it up, as he will report.<br /><br />The wind kept rising, and the river was rolling and there were &quot;whitecaps on the minnow bucket&quot; as my old guiding partner Alan used to say; so after about an hour we decided the prudent thing to do would be to head for home. A very short outing, but we managed a few fish, 8 keeper crappie and a couple of spots. <br /><br />Tomorrow is another fishing day and hopefully won&#39;t have to fight the wind so much. DK will add some pictures later.<br /><br />Regards, Labman