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Full Version: What else should I fish with? Pond filled with weeds.
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The pond is completely full of weeds from the shoreline all the way to the drop off toward the middle. it is in a circle so its all the way around in a circumferance of maybe 200 yards across. So unless I want to fishing heavy weeds. I have to go out in my paddle boat and fish the drop-off/middle, I usually bass fish, but we have cats, crappie, blue gill, couple pike.

I fish in my pond a lot and all I use are worms and crankbaits along the weeds. We also use frogs along the top of the weeds, since there are so many.

I am going to try a weedless jigging spoon soon I think, just seeing what else people think, so I could either make or go pick it up from the store.
I drag sencos,frogs and lizards weightless and weedless on the top of weeds. Pause to let them drop in any holes. Now thats a topwater bite!! [cool]
I have a favorite pond here about 1/4 mile from my apt that is the same way after mid to late spring. It is completely covered with just a few holes in the weeds. On some days if the wind is right I might get a bank on one side that has about 20 foot of clear water from the bank to work.

I use floating frogs almost exclusively at that pond and wear them all all summer. If the frogs aren't working I try different colored and length plastic worms rigged weedless with no weight and work them over the weeds and let them drop down into open areas when I come across those and catch consistent bass there that way too.