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Bigger walleye stocked in northern lakes<br>--------------------------------------------------<br><br>DNR Division of Fish and Wildlife biologists recently stocked more than<br>31,000 large walleye fingerlings into three natural lakes in northern<br>Indiana as part of an experimental project.<br><br>Crooked Lake in Steuben County, Sylvan Lake in Noble County and Winona Lake<br>in Kosciusko County shared walleye purchased from a commercial fish hatchery<br>in Wisconsin. The fish cost $1.45 each and averaged seven inches in length.<br>Fishing license sales funded the walleye purchase.<br><br>Small walleye stocked into these lakes in the past failed to thrive. DNR<br>biologists believe stocking fish large enough to avoid predators will<br>produce a sustainable walleye population. <br><br>"The larger walleye are more expensive, but have a much better chance of<br>growing to maturity and catchable size," said DNR fisheries biologist Tim<br>Cwalinski. "This year's fish should reach harvestable size of 14 inches in<br>two years." <br><br>This stocking is the first of three annual experimental stockings. Project<br>biologists will evaluate fish survival throughout the course of the project<br>and determine if walleye stocking rates were adequate.<br><br>Walleye are one of the most popular and tastiest Indiana sport fish. Surveys<br>indicate that anglers pursue walleye more than any other DNR-stocked fish. <br><br>More walleye fishing information: <br><br><br>---------------------<br><br><br>