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Full Version: Willard 5/13
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This was my 3rd trip to willard this year. I got skunked again for the third time.
Fished from about 4-7 PM. Trolled rattle traps and worm harneses off dikes near the pig farm.
have had a hard time locating fish cause the wide beam on my transducer is not working.
I have not been out fishing as much as usual this this year
sense I had twin girls born in December. I have not caught a fish yet this year and I am really going through withdrawls![crazy]
I f anyone has some tips for willard that might help get the skunk off me they would be greatly appricieated.
Thanks for posting. Sorry about the luck. Glad to hear about the twins...awesome!!

Dont feel too bad, the weather has had all of us messed up. I (and others who actually know something) think that it will all explode soon and the catching consistancy will return to Utah.

I dont know Willard, but some have posted some great details on here in the last few weeks. Check um out and see if that helps.

Good Luck,

Shawn M