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I was planning on getting the tube out last week, but life got in the way and trumped the plans. My plan was going to be to take it out at willard, but am starting to rethink it and am now considering going to either pineveiw or causy, which would be the best place right now for a new to tubing person as far as launching. I am not too concerned about getting into fish, but it would be nice, anyone know how the fishing is at these reservoirs? I am leaning towards causy as i believe it is a wake less reservoir, Though i don't believe pineveiw is very active yet and i will be going on a thursday so there is less of a chance of boaters.
[cool][#0000ff]Haven't heard any good fishing reports from wither Causey or Pineview. But that should be close.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Have you considered Mantua? Easy (free) launching and some potential good fishing within easy distance of the ramp. No real launch facilities at Causey and a steep fee at Pineview for the ramp. No other good place to launch without a hike.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The north marina at Willard is producing lots of fish and there is easy launching...if you have a pass.[/#0000ff]
never been to mantua, have a buddy that wanted to go there but the weather wouldn't cooperate. I know nothing about mantua so wasn't considering it, but may try it out as i'm always willing to try new spots out. There is a boat ramp of sorts at causy at the south end near the restroom that i figured would be the only place that one might be able to launch from. Pineveiw is a stupid cost to launch, i was thinking of just trying maybe one of the numerous sportsmans access points if the water wasn't too deep and willows to thick. I don't have a pass to get into willard and am unsure of the cost, but that may still be an option, although i would rather use the south marina as it seems less people use it but if the fishing is good on the north end that might be the place to go. Thanks for the info.
[cool][#0000ff]Here are a couple of maps that might help.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Willard Bay is about $10 for a day use permit. But, you can park up on the end of the north dike for only $3 and hike down to launch off the campground. Pretty ambitious for a newbie though. Ditto for going up over the dike at the SW corner of the lake. Also tough to launch over the rocks...but free.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The weather might make your decision for you.[/#0000ff]
Thanks for the maps. I wouldnt attempt a launch from the dikes as it would be too difficult, I have a hard enouph time walking on those rocks i always seem to step on the one that isnt quite stable. im not opposed to having to walk abit to get to a suitable launch spot, would it be worth the effort to go to the south marina as it is closer, and there doesnt seem to be alot of people that launch there im assuming due to smaller area.
[cool][#0000ff]I probably launch from the south marina about twice as often as the north. First...the fishing is usually better within an easy kick of the launch ramp. I often start catching fish right in the channel, only a few yards from launch. I sometimes catch more fish inside the channel than outside in the main lake. And right now you can fish all the way up the channel...once it opens back up after the first of May. No boats go up there and there are usually lots of cats and some wipers to be had. Sometimes crappies too. I also fish a lot around the points on either side of the entrance. And then I usually kick north, along the dike, toward the hog farm. I work in and out at different depths, dragging a minnow on one rod and throwing plastics or crank baits on the other. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Second...there really ARE fewer boats that launch from the south marina...especially the "power squadron". Yes, there are plenty of skiers and wakeboarders that launch there but not nearly as many jet skis. They like the north marina because of the sandy beaches for them to pull up to and party with others.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You will usually do better by launching as early as possible and sometimes planning to be off the water by late morning...on a busy watercraft day. Not so bad in midweek, before summer. Then there are wackos running up and down the dikes from dawn to dusk.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You are wise to avoid launching over the rock dikes until you are more "seasoned". I am plenty seasoned but I have to have a really good reason for risking body and soul to launch from the big rocks. I have an annual parks pass so I can use the ramps whenever I want...and I usually want to use the ramps.[/#0000ff]
Pricey for pineview eh? Mamatrout has a federal pass. Should work there, no?
the only places i have seen at pineveiw to launch a boat was in a campground or some private dock area. I don't have a boat but wanted to get to a spot that was in a campground and they tried to make me pay like 10 bucks just to get in, i don't mind payin but without a boat i'm not payin that much money to stand on the bank to fish. Dont know how much to use a ramp or dock.
[quote albinotrout]Pricey for pineview eh? Mamatrout has a federal pass. Should work there, no?[/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]Not sure about the federal pass. Might be good to call ahead to verify. Otherwise I think it is about $10...per watercraft. At least for boat and trailer.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There are several "Sportsman Access" spots around the lake that provide free parking. But, you usually have to trudge your gear a ways to the water. Saw a brief blurb on TV last night about them installing toll booths around the lake. Have to follow up on that.[/#0000ff]
We were told when we got the pass that it is good at ALL federal lands that charge to get in. Takes care of all the entrance fees and half of the camping fee at national parks, national forests, and BLM.[cool] We found that it does not work on Millcreek canyon due to it is a county fee there not national forest.[crazy] So it should work at Pineview. Now I gotta look up this toll booth thing.

As TD said that there is several places for sportsmen around the lake you can put in. I have used them before myself.
[cool][#0000ff]Just did a little research. The "toll booth" is only going to be on the road out to Cemetery Point and is being set up by the city of Huntsville to help pay for some road work. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The rest of public access around Pineview does not seem to be affected. Bring it on.[/#0000ff]