05-18-2010, 09:00 AM
I picked up Norman at the ramp at WT at around 10:30 or 11 and the plan was to see if the crankbait pattern that had worked last week was still good. It was not. I had caught two little ones while waiting for him to call me to get him but after that we only had two bites on crankbaits and they were both little. There still seemed to be fish stacked on some drops in the creek as I could see them with my depthfinder but they wouldn't hit anything much. We did finally find some fish but they were on a drop that topped out at 17 feet and dropped into about 21 feet. A carolina rigged 4 inch worm in "Jmax's favorite color" was the ticket for the fish today. I had never fished that particular spot before but there were good fish on it. Most of the fish were keepers in the 2-3lb range. Norman had to quit at 5:30 so I took him to the ramp. I fished for bass for a while longer, catching a couple more, one on the very outside edge of a flat and he wrapped me around a stump. Luckily he swam back around the stump and I got him in without breaking the line. The stump was in 12 feet of water. I had about a half hour to fish before Nan got home so I did fish for crappie one of my favorites back in the creek and I was almost upset that we hadn't fished for crappie today. I had 12 fish in the boat by the time I quit and 7 were nice keepers. Those nasty green fish are fun to catch but it seems like the crappie are so plentiful and easy that I almost hate to fish for anything else. The crappie all hit at a 12 count on my special Panfish assassins that I always use. Thanks again for coming today Labman, sorry I'm not a better bass guide. Here are some pics.