Fishing Forum

Full Version: elwestb, Chick, ... mostly short L/M, 5-15-10, solo
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Dad wasn't felling very well Saturday so I ventured forth alone. Got to the ramp above the dam about 6:45 am, got everything ready to launch and the battery on my Tahoe was slap dead! Would do nothing! Fortunatly, another of our fine CFF members came to my rescue and jumped me off. {Thank you!} Well, nothing was open to go buy another battery so I went ahead and launched and went fisning, What else? Started out with top waters, a spook and a buzz bait, nothing! Put them no fish catching recruits on the bench and started chuncking a jig. That's all I could get bit on!? I caught about 17 / 18 good healthy fighters, just 14 - 15 inch'ers mostly. I finally did get a limit of 5 keepers, maybe 14 / 15 lbs. Had one right at 5 lbs. All on a jig as mentioned in 12 / 24 fow. I was showing the temp at 73 / 74 degrees. Didn't go above Harrison Bluff. The Tahoe started up just fine when I came in about 2:30 pm, but I did get another battery on the way home!