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Full Version: Ha. I sneaked in a trip
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[cool][#0000ff]Haven't been on the water in a few days and the weather doesn't look good for a whole lotta nothin' for the next few days. Figured I'd chance a quick run to Lincoln Beach. Even took my bow in case the carp got frisky. Didn't happen.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Launched off the shallow beach at Lincoln about 6:30. Light breezes. Air temp 46 and water temp 57.5. Better but not there yet.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Carp clumps all over the place. Groups of a few to a bunch were gathering on the surface to blow bubbles and arrange "dates" for the upcoming spring fling. Standard prespawn activity. Hard to fish plastics anywhere without hanging a dorsal diner or tail taker. But, when I would swim a small jig with a piece of worm quietly into a clump one of the rowdy ones would usually slurp it in and game on. Made my string sing on a few. Kept 4 for bait.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hung a few small whities but did not fish them seriously. Waiting for the water temp to come up a bit. Afternoons are better. Didn't happen today. More on that later.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Dragged a minnow on one rod. Had a few inquiries and landed two mudders (bullheads). One was nice and chunky. The other was a skinny minnie. Also caught a fiesty 22 inch channel cat.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Had a brief visit with ripnlip, who cruised up in his nice pontoon with another angler (sorry, didn't get the name). They moved off to fish around the mouth of Benjamin Slough. We talked about getting together to compare notes later...and something about him towing me at mach 10 behind his boat. Not me. My mama got rid of all the dumb ones...except my sister.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The carp never did move into the shallow cove to start splashing so I got out and moved my base of operations to a spot off the highway down in Goshen Bay. Figured there might be some warmer temps there and some whities to go with it. There was and there were. Got a few whities to convince me they were there for the taking...when I got around to it. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Worked out into 5 feet of water and soaked a minnow while casting twin plastics. Got two nice cookie cutter kitties on minnows, along with one other one that smacked my little red and chartreuse jig. Fun fun.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just about noon the water temps were edging toward 62. I had planned to be off the water about noon but wanted to get in a few casts for whities before I left. And heck, I was only a couple hundred yards from my vehicle and launch spot. Piece of cake.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I could swear that I heard Mama Nature giggle about that time...right before the sound of the switch turning on that powerful fan from the north. It had been almost calm all morning. We joked about "having to fight the heavy wind." Now a "noon monsoon" slammed into me from behind...just the direction I had to go to get back to my car. NO WAY I was going to be able to kick even that short distance back. SOOOOOO...I powered my way through a couple of stands of reeds in my tube and took my gear out of the water at another spot...hiking up to pick up my car and return to load up. Been there done that before.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]By the time I hit the road there were whitecaps on the lake big time. Looked like cottage cheese floating on a giant bowl of green jello. I know, bad visual. But hey, this is Utah.[/#0000ff]
At least you did not have murphy following you today although he was in the area!. [unimpressed]