Fishing Forum

Full Version: Strato-G, Nickajack, Bass, 5-22-10, Jacob & Garrett
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Nice day on Nick today with Jr. Bass Club from Cleveland. I shared my boat with 2 fine young men wanting to find emoAngler fishey. We started in Marion park area for 1st 45 minutes with 1 keeper, very slow emoSorry , so we moved up river. Pulled into area I had prefished last week , they were surprised to see trolling motor stir mudd until we got into 3 to 5 fow and whamo emoApplause , one was on a jerk in the water, keeper. On the drift, emoWorthy emoWorthy , 2 hookups and as they were reeling in there was a third hookup from emoGeezer in back of boat. Threw out the markrr & there we worked for next 3 hours to catch about 20 more and was enough for each the young men to win in their age grou for the day. Jacob ended up with near 16lb & Garrett with 12lb. emoDance emoDance Needless to say I enjoyed seeing these fellers enjoy their bragging rights at the checkin as they were showing how to emoToast win gracefully. emoGeezer emoUSA emoThanks