05-27-2010, 09:00 AM
The last week of fishing has been great. Some days we caught 60 or 70 and on the tougher days we still boated 30 or so. On a corporate trip last week one of the guys with me had a 9.00 pounder. It was the biggest fish I have had a client catch this year. The crankbait bite is strong. We are also catching fish on 1/2 oz. to 1 oz. LiL&#39; Hustler jigs , 10 worms. Fish are also biting spooks, pop r type baits, and frogs fished over the milfoil. <br /><br />We have been seeing a lot of fish schooling all over the place but I haven&#39;t seen the big ones coming up. Some of the areas we are really catching them form the fish are schooled but they aren&#39;t feeding on the top. On a some days the schools are on fire and other days you half to work them to get the bites. When they are on they are on. We have had times when we caught fish on every cast for 45 minutes and when they shut off it is just like turning the light switch off and you wouldn&#39;t even think that there is a fish out there.<br /><br />I have days open if anyone wants to go. <br /><br />I have May 29th and 31st open and for June I have the 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th and 29th open if anyone wants the. Days are filling fast so reserve yours now.<br /><br />Curt Staley&#39;s Pro Guide Service<br />Lake Guntersville , AL<br />www.guntersvillebass@gmail.com<br />email - guntersvillebass@gmail.com<br />cell # - 256-990-0376