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Full Version: Fishing in American Falls Area?
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It's free fishing day next Saturday (if you haven't, make plans yet take somebody new fishing!) and I am planning on taking my mother fishing with me. She hasn't fished before (or at least very little) and she's a little out of shape [:/]. She lives about 30 minutes west of American Falls (I know its the middle of nowhere) in the Raft River area. I need some advice on good places to take her where there is easy access, a reasonable shot at catching fish (don't care what kind) and is no more than about an hour or so from her home. I've thought about American Falls, or Massacre Rocks, or Sublett Reservoir, but I'm not an expert on any of those places and I know there are some other good options I'm not thinking of. Thanks for any advice in advance.
AF reservoir would be a good bet for a few different kinds of fish. Also, if catching fish (regardless of the size) is your ultimate goal, you could try fishing Crystal Springs Pond and McTucker Ponds by Springfield. They are easy access and have lots of fish. Crystal has trout (they're stocking it this week) and McTucker has lots of small panfish. The warm temps forecasted this week should make McTucker a fun place to fish.

Smile Best of luck!
I fish american falls pretty regularly and it has been exceptionally slow this year, If i was going to take someone who hasnt ever been or who hasnt been in a long time i'd probably go to crystal springs or devils creek both being stocked within a weeks time, I can give you some advice at american falls but the fish right now are few and far between but they are quality fish. best of luck to you.
Sounds like you are bank fishing. If so, I agree with the others on going to Crystal Springs or McTucker.