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Governor Herbert has been true to his word. He has created a task force to investigate the issues created due to the passage of HB141. This task force was created via SB 281 and is described as follows :

"it will be made up of 12 legislators that will study . . . areas of the state which have conflicts between fishermen and landowners. The task force will hold public hearings to allow the landowners and fishermen testify about the conflicts in these areas. This process will help the legislature better understand how the problem may be solved. The task force will also address funding issues in regards to expanding the DWR Walk-in Access program, funding to permanently purchase access rights from landowners, and establishment of cooperative fishing management units (CFMU’S)."

I looked up the 12 legislators - 9 voted for HB141 and include Ben Ferry and Kay McIff. 3 voted against HB141 and Rep. Fowlkes is not included - which would seem to be a major oversight.

The first public meeting of the task force is the 24th of June at 10 AM in SLC DNR building. Here is a link to the meeting notice:

[url ""][/url]

We still have a voice and I think in the past it was noticed due to the work of the Water Guardians, TU etc, etc. I plan on taking a day off work and attending the meeting. I believe we need to start making some noise and drawing attention again to the issues. We have only two weeks so we need to alert people in any way that we can. The more that respectfully attend the meeting and the more public exposure the better.

Please - many of you are much more savvy in the way of politics and public relations than I am. Lets all get the ball rolling again and see if we can have a real compromise bill. This shouldn't be an us versus the landowners issue. It should be a "we the people" issue - and how do we make this fair for all of us. We still have a chance - lets make it work this time!!
lol cant wait to see what his Task Farce will come up with.
In my opinion the task forces is nothing more than a publicity stunt to attempt to look unbiased to the public. As mention earlier the task force consists of 9 politicians who voted for HB141 In order for them to overturn HB141 they would have to admit they were wrong then face private land owners who contributed to there campaigns which case I find highly unlikely.

If Herbert really wanted an impartial decision he would have recruited an outside firm who has nothing to gain or loose from the decision but no he recruits the very same people who voted in support of HB141.

I think unless we have a impartial committee someone outside of Utah to review the law and study the effect of how its going to have in utah or a gov who can influence the majority to right this wrong HB141 will remain
I would like to attend but alas I have to work and when I work I am no where near there. I end up out of state.[:/] Keep us posted as to what takes place please!
Funny that the description of the task force leaves out one important mandate, that was put in as an amendment and passed thanks to Representative Fowlke, that the interests of property owners and recreational users would be balanced by this task force.

As for Governor Herbert...he wasn't true to anything. The legislature created this task force. The Senate President and the Speaker of the House picked who was on it. Governor Herbert didn't do anything other than rubber stamp the legislation just like he did every other important issue that is going to screw Utah over in the long run.

Sorry, don't mean to rant, but Governor Herbert has done nothing to assist anyone but the landowners in this whole process. And even though I'm going to the meeting, I don't suspect the task force will do anything different than that either.

I predict their main focus will be to usher in what Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife have been hoping and praying for....CWFU's all around the state to fatten their pockets.
That's just one reason that Carroon should be elected Governor. Get rid of Herbert.