did not have to work on monday so after getting out of bed at the crack of dawn ok not really maybe 9:30 i wandered over to auger falls and decided to do some sturgeon fishing. to make a long story short i hooked up 8 times and landed four fish. A 3ish footer a 5ft two incher a 5 foot 5 incher and a 6 foot five inch fish. I also hooked up with one fish that had to have been either huge or tail hooked. I have pulled on 9ft+ sturgeon and this fish felt like at least that. it spooled me i was dumbfounded i have never not been able to turn a fish but there was no stopping this thing it just took off. so if anyone fishes down there and catches a fish with 200ishyards of power pro attached to it you'll know where that came from. I'll attach photos soon
Wow! sounds like you had an awesome trip.I'm assuming you crossed on the old bridge and hiked down. Heard they are going to release more water in the river again so that might screw up the fishing again.
Dang! Ive went 4 times and havent got anything lol. Good catches. looking forward to the pics
A little up date, me and thebug went to augar falls yesterday. We ended up getting 3. I have pics ill get them up soon. It was my first sturgeon yesterday and im hooked! Thanks again Jon.
here is the one i took of you. Good to hear I've created another monster bwahaha
pic of me with one of the other fish i and idahofish17 got
So I took my wife and two kids on the trail from the water treatment plant on our bikes hoping to reach auger falls. We made it to the end of road where there is a large pool below the power sub staion is that where auger falls is?
We did not do any fishing my 3 year old and 14 month old would have had a rough climb down to the water.
I have been out sturgen fishing like 4 times and have never caught one. Any help you could give me would be great.
For some reason my phone wont let me send my pictures to my email so i cant upload the pictures, ill have to try again later. And to get to augar falls its sort of hard to describe without being in person. Walk the road till you see the water get smooth and the river get really wide.It almost looks like a lake with rapids below it and above it.
And Jon any luck at hagerman? i couldnt make it. With this weather finally shaping up were gonna have to go soon.
Got the pictures.
caught 7 sturgeon again today stupid phone wont upload to the computer though so ill try to get photos up
Jon, you're killing me. Oh well, I have a three-day trip, to my usual place, planned soon to go after them. Weather forecast looks warm (expected) but hopefully no wind. Can't wait.
if you don't mind me asking were would your normal place be and would you mind an annoying tag along