08-06-2003, 08:07 PM
]Well this is the first time I've been skunked at Causey this year. I had only 1 bite the whole morning. I tried a variety of lures, depths, and trolling speeds, but I couldn't get the fish to hit. I think the Kokes are getting ready to spawn, so they are not in the eating mood. The water is still pretty warm, so the trout aren't all that active either. I talked to a group of guys using salmon eggs near one of the inlets, they said they had caught a couple earlier. I also spoke to an older gentleman who was trolling a worm and small pop gear, on leaded line, 4 colors out, who wasn't having any luck either. He told me that he fishes Causey 2 times a week, and has always limited out with that set up. He only had one bite as well. He did mention that Causey slows down in August...I assume because of the imminent spawn. I think that when the Kokes start spawning, the trout action will be hot near the inlets, but right now it is in a state of flux. The water level is now at least 60 feet low, so hauling the toon is becoming quite the chore. Good luck to anyone going up there.
