Fishing Forum

Full Version: One More Question About Gar..
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My husband wanted me to put another question on here about gar fishing. When is the best time to fish for them. High tide, low tide? or does it matter. Just wanted some feedback as far as the best conditions and times to fish for them. Thanks so much for all your replies they have all been so helpful!


Richard and Renee'
if they are any thing like northerns, eraly mornings and early evinings and over cast days.
Renee' and Richard,
First I want to thank you for all your questions about Gar fishing. I also want to thank all the other members that have replyed with some great helpful information for you.

Then most of all I need to apologize for not replying to your posts sooner. As your Texas Board moderator it is my responsability to make sure you get the best info available. I have been out of commision for a while and am just now getting back to par.
As new reasent members of the site you have already experianced the great wealth of knolage that is open and ready to share here at BFT.
Any time you have a question you can post it to the board and can rest asured that some one is out there to get the answer for you and reply with it as soon as possable.
I noticed in another post that you said that fishing is coming to a close for you for the salt water areas. As a gulf coast fisher I can assure you that the fish are biteing along the coast all year long. Just the method of catching and the species change with the time of year and weather conditions.
Again, welcome to the boards and I hope we can keep you informed for all your fishing and outdoors questions and needs.
[laugh]Thank you for the nice reply. We really love these message boards here and you are right when you say you will get many answers and advice. And quick too! Reading your reply I am curious, what fish bite during the fall and winter months? And how do you catch them? Me and my husband usually resort to freshwater fishing during October through about March or April. We just never had much luck with it during those months. Let me know if you have any tips on that for us.

Thanks so much,

Richard and Renee'
If you have time to serch the older posts on the Texas board you will find many posts during the winter months that reveal what is biteing during that time. As long as my health keeps improuving I will be posting reports weekly that will include some pic.s of local catches along the coast. The area I keep a real close eye on is north Padre Island area around Corpus Christi and the north end of Mustang Island around the small fishing town of Port Aransas. I will from time to time cover other areas along the coast as the information is passed on to me from other anglers in their areas. Keep a close eye on the boards as you never know what great info will be posted.
There is always some thing special going on some where for our members. Some realy neet contests keep poping up with no warning. The Texas board had a Turnament last April with some great prizes for all that attended. For more info just check the link on top of this post page. We all had a great time. If all goes well we will be hosting another next spring or early summer.
Like most all inshore type fishing , the tides play a big part on the fishes eating habits.In my experience the first half of an incoming tide and the last half of an outgoing tide seems to be more productive.The fish will hold up around structure near mouths of backwater areas.They wait there for food to be washed by them by the current.